UL 199 2004 消防自动洒水喷头标准.pdf


UL199 ISBN 0-7629-0167-5 AutomaticSprinklersfor Fire-ProtectionService
APRIL 7 2004 UL 199 tr1 Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) 333 Pfingsten Road Northbrook IL 60062-2096 UL Standard for Safety for Automatic Sprinklers for Fire-Protection Service UL 199 Tenth Edition Dated April 8 1997 Revisions: This Standard contains revisions through and including April 7 2004. Summaryof Topics Theserevisionsto ANSi/UL199arebeing issued tochange the effective datefor the glass bulb sprinklerprotectivecoverrequirements. to relocation of existing text and reformatting of the Standard. requirements are marked with a vertical line in the margin and are followed by an effective date note indicating the date of publication or the date on which the changed requirement bees effective. The following table lists the future effective dates with the corresponding reference. Future Efective Dates References March 26 2004 Paragraph 5.1.1 and Sections 14A 20 Seplember 26. 2004 Section 9A_ 27A 53A and paragraphs 52.1 and 54.20 June 8 2005 Paragraphs 19.2.1 19.2.2 19.2.4 19.2.5 19.2.6 54.2 and 54.19 and Tables 19.1 and 19.2 The revised effective dates are substantially in accordance with UL's Bulletin(s) on this subject dated March 5 2004. The bulletin(s) is now obsolete and may be discarded. The revisions dated April 7 2004 include a reprinted tile page (page1) for this Standard. Attention is directed to the note on the title page of this Standard outlining the procedures to be followed to retain the approved text of this ANSI/UL Standard. The UL Foreword is no longer located within the UL Standard. For information concerning the use and located on ULStandardslnfoNet at: ulstandardsinfonet.ul./ulforeword.html The master for this Standard at UL's Northbrook Office is the official document insofar as it relates to a
tr2 APRIL 7 2004 UL 199 diskette for a Standard-on-Diskette and the file for the Standard on the distribution diskette should be altered in any way. All of UL's Standards and all copyrights ownerships and rights regarding those Standards shall remain the sole and exclusive property of UL. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording. or otherwise without prior permission of UL. only if it incorporates the most recently adopted revisions. UL provides this Standard “as is" without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. In no event will UL be liable for any special incidental consequential indirect or similar damages including loss of profits lost savings loss of data or any other damages arising out of the use of or the inability to use this Standard even if UL or an authorized UL representative has been advised of the possibility of such damage. In no event shall UL's liability for any damage ever exceed the price paid for this Standard regardless of the form of the claim. support request. UL supports the electronic versions of its Standards only if they are used under the conditions and operating systems for which it is intended. UL's support policies may change from time-to-time without notification. UL reserves the right to change the format presentation file types and formats delivery methods and formats and the like of both its printed and electronic Standards without prior notice. UL harmless from and against any loss expense liability damage claim or judgement (including reasonable attorney's fees) resulting from any error or deviation introduced while purchaser is storing an electronic Standard on the purchaser's puter system. device of a multiple-user puter in such a manner that this Standard may only be accessed by one user at a time and for which there is no possibility of multiple concurrent access. server. The number of concurrent users shall not exceed the number of users authorized. Electronic Standards are intended for on-line use such as for viewing the requirements of a Standard puter/software/printer setup used by UL and those of electronic Standards purchasers the printed pis pud no m ues au-uo eui el xa yoo ou r asnd e pao do Bueq sabed jo ebed au jo Adoo e eyew ue puepues n e buiseuound uoezjuebio ue jo eaodue u viewed for their own fair and/or practical internal use. This PDF Standard downloaded from ..
APRIL 7 2004 UL 199 tr3 The requirements in this Standard are now in effect except for those paragraphs sections tables figures and/or other elements of the Standard having future effective dates as indicated in the note following the affected item. The prior text for requirements that have been revised and that have a future effective date are located after the Standard and are preceded by a *SUPERSEDED REQUIREMENTS* notice. New product submittals made prior to a specified future effective date will be judged under all of the requirements in this Standard including those requirements with a specified future effective date unless the applicant specifically requests that the product be judged under the current requirements. However if the applicant elects this option it should be noted that pliance with all the requirements in this Standard wilbe required as a condition of continued Listing and Follow-Up Services after the effective date and understanding of this should be signified in writing. Copyright @ 2004 Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
tr4 APRIL 7 2004 UL 199 This Standard consists of pages dated as shown in the following checklist: Page Date 1-2B April7 2004 3. March 26 2003 4 .. April 7 2004 5-6B. September 6 2000 7 July 9 2001 8. September 6 2000 8A-9. March 26 2003 10-10A April 7 2004 10B-16B March 26 2003 17-18 .. October 8 1997 18A March 26 2003 18B-22B. December 8 2003 23 April 8 1997 24-26. March 26 2003 27-28B. July 9 2001 29-30A. .April 7 2004 30B-30D March 26 2003 31 April 8 1997 32 . January 24 2000 32A-32B. October 8 1997 33 April 8 1997 March 26 2003 35-36 April 8 1997 37-38. March 26 2003 38A. January 24 2000 38B October 8 1997 39 January 24 2000 40 April 8 1997 41 July 9 2001 42 January 24 2000 43-47 April 8 1997 48. March 26 2003 49. September 6 2000 50-50D July 9 2001 51 October 8 1997 52 April 8 1997 53-54A May 25 1999 54B October 8 1997 55. May 8 1997 56 April 8 1997 57 January 24 2000 58 ..May 25 1999 59 April 8 1997 60-61 October 8 1997 62 April 8 1997 63. March 26 2003 64 December 8 2003 65 March 26 2003 66 April 7 2004 This PDF Standard downloaded from ..





