BS EN 7346 7 2006 烟气和热量控制系统的组件 第7部分 有盖停车场烟热控制系统功能建议和计算方法标准.pdf


BS7346-7:2006 BRITISHSTANDARD Components for smoke and heat control systems - Part 7: Code of practice on functional remendationsandcalculation methodsforsmokeandheatcontrol systemsfor covered carparks ICS 13.220.20 BS British Standards NO COPYING WITHOUT BSI PERMISSION EXCEPT AS PERMITTED BY COPYRIGHT LAW
BS 7346-7:2006 Publishing and copyright information The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document wus last ssued. BSI 2006 ISBN 0 580 49087 4 Committee reference FSH/25/4 The following BSI references relate to the work on this standard: Draft for ment 06/30112774 DC Publication history First published October 2006 Amendmentsissued since publication Amd. no. Date Text affeeted
BS 7346-7:2006 Contents 2013 Forewordi Introduction 1 1 Scope 3 2 Normative references4 8 Terms and definitions5 Standards Smoke and heat control system selection 10 Design fires11 6 Vehicle exhaust pollution control13 7 Natural dispersal smoke ventilation14 8 Conventional mechanical extract 16 9 Impulse ventilation to achieve smoke clearance18 10 Impulse ventilation to assist fire-fighting access 20 11 Impulse ventilation to protect means of escape24 Copy. 12 13 Ductwork fixings and smoke dampers 26 Uncontrolled 14 Controls and power supplles27 15 Pre-installation verification 30 16 Interaction with other fire protection systems and other building sss 17 Commissioning 33 24 18 Documentation to be supplied with heat and smoke control 7 system 35 18/07/2013 C 19 Maintenance and safety 37 Annexes Annex A (informative) Computer-based models 38 Annex B (informative) Lighting signage public address and voice Glasgow alarm systems 39 Bibliography 40 List of figures University Figure 1 Typical mechanical ventilation using a ducted smoke dispersal system15 Figure 2 Typical mechanical ventilation using an impulse smoke dispersal system 17 Figure 3 Typical mechanical ventilation using an impulse system for fire-fighter access 21 Figure 4 Design regions for a single volume space 26 List of tables Table 1 Steady-state design fires 12 : University Table 2 Checklist for missioning of major ponents of a smoke and heat control system or SHEVS 34 Copy. Licensed Summary of pages This document prises a front cover an inside front cover pages iand i pages 1 to 40 an inside back cover and a back cover. BSI20061
BS 7346-7:2006 Foreword 2013 Publishinginformation Institution This part of BS 7346 was published by BSI and came into effect on 31October2006twasprearedbySubmiteeFSH25/moke controlsystemsmplsfansforcarparksansimilarunderthe authority ofTechnical Committee FSH/25Smoke het conto systems cmd pomemts. A list of organizations represented on this mittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Use of this document As a code of practice this part of BS 7346 takes the form of guidance and remendations. It should not be quoted as if it were a specification and particular care should be taken to ensure that claims g of pllance are not misleading. Copy. Any user claiming pliance with this part of BS 7346 is expected to be able to justify any course of action that deviates from its Uncontrolled remendations. Presentational conventions The provisions in this standard are presented in roman (Le. upright) :24. type. Its remendations are expressed in sentences in which the principal auxiliary verb is *should°. 18/07/2013 Commentary eplanationand generalinfonatiuematerialis presented in smaller italic type andl does not stitute α normative element. Contractualand legal considerations This publication does not purport to include allthe necessary provisions of a contract. Users are responsible for its correct application. Compliance with a British Standard cannot confer immunity University from legal obligations. Glasgow University Copy Licensed iiBSI2006
BS 7346-7:2006 0Introduction 2013 0.1 Background to smoke control in carparks Institution Ventilation of covered car parks is usually remended in order to limit concentrations of carbon monoxide (CO) and other vehicle emissions in the day to day use of car parks and to remove simoke and British Standards I heat in the event of afirehe same equipment isoftenused to satisfy both requirements. This standard recognising the dual use of systems also provides guidance on usage for vehicle emission ventilation. There is no requirement in the Building Regulations 2ooo [11. Building (Scotland)Regulations[2] Builcding Regulations (Nother Ireland) [3] for sprinkler systems to be provided in car parks although there are requirements in some local acts. The Copy.(c) remendations in this standard are provided for smoke and heat control systems installed in car parks with or without sprinkler protection.The main benefit of sprinklers is to control the size of fire to be dealt with by the fire and rescue service. This is reflected in the design 07:24 Uncontrolled fire sizes remended for car parks with and without sprinklers. Moder cars are general larger than their predecessors and contain a larger quantity of flammable materials in particular plastics. This has led to a review of the heat output from burning cars and the risk of fire spread between cars. As a result the design fires remended in this standard are larger and have a greater heat output than those in some 18/07/2013 previous guidance. Car park ventilation systems can be designed for one or more of three purposes in the event of a fire: 1) to assist fire-fighters to clear smoke from a car park during and of Glasgow after a fire; 2)to provide clear smoke-free access for fire-fighters to a point close to the seat of the fire; e University 3) to protect means of escape from the car park. The system requirements will differ depending upon the purpose. Not all types of ventilation systems are suitable for all purposes. Remendations and criteria are provided for the design of systems for all three purposes. a)To assist fire-figluters to clear smoke from α car park daing ancd after a fire. Smoke clenrance systems are intended to assist fire-fighters by providing ventilation to allow speedier clearance of the smoke once d Copy: University the fire has been extinguished. The ventilation might also help reduce smoke density and temperature during the course of a fire. These systems are not specifically intended to maintain any aren of a car park clear of smoke to limit smoke density or temperature to within any limits or to assist means of escape. Licensed It is possible that some smoke clearance systems could actually worsen conditions for means of escape if set in operation too early For this reason it might be preferable to either delay operation after automatic actuation or to provide only manual actuation from a fire service override switch. BSI20061





