CSA 加拿大电气标准 第1部分 电气装置安全标准 第22版 2012.pdf.pdf


C22.1-12 CSA Standards Canadian Electrical Code Part I Safety Standard for Electrical Installations 2012 22NDEDITION
LegalNoticeforStandards Canadian Standrds Asociation CSA) standards are developed through a consensus standard development processapproved by the Standards Council of Canada This processbrings togethervolunteers representing varied viewpoints and interests to achieve consensus and develop a standard. Athough CSA administers the process and establshes ules to prmte famessin acheving consensus it does not independently test evaluate or verify the content of standards. Disclaimer and exclusion of liability This document s provie wthout any rereentatins waantes r condtios f anyknd xpress ormlid incling wiht mitatn d at rcnsng thsds es ilppersithantbi s non-infringement f any thid party/s intellectual property rights. CSA does not warrant the accuracy leteness or curency f any of the information published in this document. CSA makes no representations or warranties regarding this document's pliance with any applicable statute rule or regulation. IN NO EVENT SHALL CSA ITS VOLUNTEERS MEMBERS SUBSIDIARIES OR AFFILIATED COMPANIES OR THEIR EMPLOYEES DIRECTORS OR OFFICERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT INDIRECT OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES INJURY LOSS COSTS OR EXPENSES TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE) OR ANY OTHER THEORY OF LIABILITY ARISING OUT OF OR RESULTING FROM ACCESS TO OR POSSESSION OR USE OF THIS DOCUMENT EVEN IF CSA HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES INJURY LOSS COSTS OR EXPENSES. In publishing and making this document available CSA is not undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any persnorentity or topefom anydty ed byany ersn orentity tonthe peon orenty Theinomatinin this dcument is directed to those who have the appropriate degree of experience to use and apply its contents and CSA accepts no responsibility whatsoever arising in any wayfrom any and alluse of or reliance on the infomation containedin this document. CSA is a private notfor-profit pany that publishes voluntary standards and related documents. CSA has no power nor des it undertake to enforce pliance with the contents of the standards or other documents it publishes. As between CSA and the users of this document (whether it be in printed or electronic form) CSA is the owner or the authorized Iicensee of all works contained herein that are protected by copyright alltrade-marks (except as otherwise noted to the contrary) and alliventions and trade secrets that may be contained in this document whether or not such inventions and trade secrets are protected by patents and applications for patents. Without limitation the unauthorized use modification copying or disclosure of this document may violate ls that protet CSA's and/r thers' intllectual property and may giverse to aright in CA and/r othrs to seek legal redress fruhuse miicatin coping or discloure. the extent pemied by licence or by la CA reseres allinteletul property rights in this document. Patent rights responsil foideting ay orl su patet ighe of thstadd ae exprely adised that detminatn of thevldty f Attention is drawn to the possibity that some of the elements of this standard may be the subject of patent rights. CSA shallnot be held aqsuodsa uwo jau pagua s squfu puaed qpns Aue This document is being provided by CSA forinfomatinal and non-mercial e nl The user of this document is authorized to d Authorized use of this document only the following: If this document is in electronic form: • load this document onto a puter for the sole purpose of reviewing it; • print this document i it is in PDF format. • search and browse this document; and Limited copies of this document in print or pape fom may be distributed only to persons who are athorized by CSA to have such do upns μpea uo seade ao e s4 ±Aquo pue sados In adition users may not and may not permit others to • alter this document in any way or remove this Legal Notice from the atached standard; • sell this document without authorization from CSA; or • make an electronic copy of this document. I you do not agree with ary f the tems and conditions contained in this egal Notice you may not lad or use this document or make any copies of the contents hereof andi you d make such copies you arerequired t destray them mmediatel. e of ths document constitutes your acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Legal Notice.
KNOWTHECODE 二IT'SUPTOYOU CECODEANDRELATEDPRODUCTS 2012 CE CODE HANDBOOK (HARDCOPY) Companion to the 2012 Code; provides clarity in understanding In addition to the Canadian Electrical Code the rationale behind key Code changes and safety requirements. AALABLE.AARCH12012 CSA Standards offers a variety of CEC-related 2012 CECODE HARDCOPY&HANDBOOK PACKAGE publications and resources including new calculation tools and updated smart standards. SAVE S10 when you purchase the CE Code and Handbook together. (NOTE: HANDBOOK WILL SHIP MARCH 15° 2012) 2012 CECODECALCULATORS For more information or to purchase CE Code products Interactive tool helps with most mon electrical calculations; enter call (877) 362-7037 or visit .knowthecode2012. the particulars of your situation to e up with the appropriate result. Z462-WORKPLACEELECTRICALSAFETY Extensivelyrevised n aliged t the1CECode; best saey practices for work on and around electrical equipment guidance on due diligence in prevention of electrical injuries and more. 2012 CE CODESMART STANDARD (PDF) Access CE Code information on your personal puter; includes plete text tables figures and diagrams from both the CEC and Handbook. AABLEMARCH2012 CE CODE ELECTRICIAN'SQUICK REFERENCEGUIDE Quick reference for construction electricians on monly used terms rules and calculations found in the CE Code. S CSA Standards
KNOWTHECODE 二IT'SUPTOYOU TRAININGRESOURCESANDTOOLS 2012 CEC UPDATE TRAINING Extensive review of 2012 CE Code changes/revisions helps you understand From tools and study guides for apprentices how they apply to your business/workplace. Choose workshop or online delivery. to overview & update training for licensed ELECTRICAL SAFETYAWARENESS FOR NON-ELECTRICAL professionals to specialized training WORKERS CSA Standards offers a prehensive Introduces and teaches the basics of Electrical Code and other safety-related suite of training solutions based on the 2012 issues and standards. Canadian Electrical Code and otherrelated MASTER ELECTRICIAN TRAINING standards.Visit our web site for the latest Designed to expand the knowledge and skills of electricians and others information on courses and availability. who are qualified to be licensed (P.Eng CET C-Tech) in preparation for the Master Electrician Examination. ELECTRICALEQUIPMENTINHAZARDOUSLOCATIONS For course schedules and information or to register Guide to understanding the principles for designing and installing electrical call (877) 362-7037 or visit .knowthecode2012. equipment for use in hazardous locations. AALABLE FEBRUAY 2012 2012CANADIAN ELECTRICIAN STUDY GUIDE(HARDCOPY) the Red Seal Certification of Qualification (C of Q) Exam. Based on the Electrician Occupational Analysis helps apprentices prepare for AALABLEJU 202 CANADIANELECTRICIAN EXAM PREPTOOL(ONLNE) Red Seal's Occupational Analysis for Construction Electricians Watch for our Nearly 2ooo sample questions covering each block task and sub task in the mobile app ing Summer 2012. AALABLE AUY 2002 Additional courses are planned for release throughout the 2012 Code cycle covering topics including photovoltaic systems renewable energy systems equipment in hazardous locations and more. Visit shop.csa.ca for the most up-to-date offering of electrical training courses. CSA Standards
CSAStandardsUpdateService C22.1-12 January2012 Title: Canadion Electrical Code Part 1 Pagination: 678 pages (xv preliminary and 643 text) Automatic notifications about any updates to this publication are available online. To register for e-mail notifications and/or to download any existing updates in PDF enter the Online Store at .Shop.CSA.ca and click on My Account on the navigation bar. Then click on E-mail Services and click on CSA Standards Update Service. aea a ss updates to this publication.





