UL UL246 STANDARDFORSAFETY HydrantsforFire-ProtectionService
FEBRUARY 5 2013 - UL 246 tr1 Hydrants for Fire-Protection Service UL 246 Eighth Edition Dated May 25 2011 SummaryofTopics Thisrevision of UL 246includes the following changes in requirements: Clarification of Coating Requirements NewSections18A and28A;New30.5;and DeletedSection28 and are followed by an effective date note indicating the date of publication or the date on which the changed requirement bees effective. paep poaqns su uo (s)jesoosd um souepoooe ui fusqns ane sjuewenbeu pesiaumeu eu September 26 2012. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced stored in a retrieval system or transmited in any form by any means electronic mechanical photocopying recording or otherwise without prior permission of UL. UL provides this Standard ~as is" without warranty of any kind either expressed or implied including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for any purpose. In no event will UL be liable for any special incidental consequential indirect or similar damages including loss of profits lost savings loss of data or any other damages arising out of the use of or the inability to use this Standard even if UL or an authorized UL representative has been advised of the possibility of such damage. In no event shall UL'sliability for any damage ever exceed the price paid for this Standard regardless of the form of the claim. harmless from andagainst anyloss xpense liability damageclaimorjudgment (including reasonabl attormney's fees) resulting from any error or deviation introduced while purchaser is storing an electronic Standard on the purchaser's puter system. and/or other elements of the Standard having future effective dates as indicated in the note following the affected item.The prior text for requirements that have been revised and that have a future effective date are located after the Standard and are preceded by a *SUPERSEDED REQUIREMENTS* notice. The following table lists the future effective dates with the corresponding reference.
tr2 FEBRUARY 5 2013 - UL 246 Future Effective Date Reference June 3 2013 Paragraph 5.7 Section 22 and Table 26.1
MAY 25 2011 (Tile Page Reprinted: February 5 2013) 1 UL 246 Standard for Hydrants for Fire-Protection Service Previous numbered and unnumbered editions of standards covering Hydrants for Fire-Protection Service have been published predating 1912. Editions published prior to 1938 were not identified by edition number. The First Second and third editions were titled *Hydrants Private and Municipal Fire Department Service". First Edition - January 1939 Second Edition April 1947 Third Edition - January 1958 Fourth Edition -September 1967 Fifth Edition May 1973 Sixth Edition - July 1979 Seventh Edition - June 1973 Eighth Edition May 25 2011 submitted to UL at any time. Proposals should be submitted via a Proposal Request in UL's On-Line Collaborative Standards Development System (CSDS) at csds.ul.. UL's Standards for Safety are copyrighted by UL. Neither a printed nor electronic copyrights ownerships and rights regarding those Standards shall remain the sole and exclusive property of UL. COPYRIGHT @ 2013 UNDERWRITERS LABORATORIES INC.
FEBRUARY 5 2013 HYDRANTS FOR FIRE-PROTECTION SERVICE - UL 246 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 Scope 2 General. .5 2.1 Components .5 .5 2.2 Units of measurement .6 2.3 Undated references .6 3 Glossary .6 4 Metallic Materials .6 CONSTRUCTION 5 Outlets .7 6 Rated Pressure 7 Tops for Base Valve Hydrants .8 .8 8 Barrels... .8 9 Inlets 10 Main Valves for Base Valve Hydrants .10 11 Main Valves for Wet Barrel and Base Valve Hydrants .10 12 Clearances .10 13 Hydrant Drip Valves (Drain Valves) for Base Valve Hydrants ..11 14 Operating Stems and Mechanisms for Base Valve Hydrants ..11 15 Fire Hose and Pumper Connections and Valves .. .12 15.1 General .12 15.2 Base valve hydrants .12 15.3 Wet barrel hydrants. .13 16 Hydrants With Monitor Elbows . . .13 17 Hose Caps ... -..14 18 Stuffing Boxes and Seals .14 18A Protective Interior Coatings 15 PERFORMANCE 19 Samples .15 20 Metallic Materials .15 21 10-Day Moist Ammonia Air Stress Cracking Test .15 22 Nonmetallic Materials Test .16 (se s e u bupnoxa) sd u o o si ..16 22.2 Elastomeric parts (except gaskets) ..17 23 Operation .18 24 Leakage .18 25 Strength of Body 26 Loss of Head .19 ..19 27 Operating Torque .20 28 Tests on Organic Coating Materials (Deleted) .21 28A Tests on Protective Interior Coatings 21 MANUFACTURINGANDPRODUCTIONTESTS 29 General 21
UL 246 2013 安全标准 消火栓.pdf