(H3C)system-view [H3C]interfaceVlan-interface1(进入管理VLAN) [H3C-Vlan-interface1]undoip address(取消管理VLAN原有的IP地址) [H3C-Vlan-interface1]ip address10.153.17.82255.255.255.0(配置以太网交换 机管理VLAN的IP地址为10.153.17.82) 第二步:用户通过Console口,在以太网交换机上配置欲登录的WEB网管用户名和 认证口令.
通过Console口,添加以太网交换机的WEB用户,用户级别设为3(管理级用户) [H3C]local-useradmin(设置用户名为admin) [H3C-luser-admin]service-typetelnetlevel3(设置级别3) [H3C-luser-admin]password simple admin(设置密码admin) 配置交换机到网关的静态路由 [H3C] ip route-static网关的 IP地址为 %Apr 2 00:18:38:359 2000 H3CSHELL/5/LOGIN:-1 - Console(aux0) in unit1 login
? User view mands: boot Setboot option p Change current directory clock Specify the system clock cluster Run cluster mand copy Copy from one file to another debugging Enable system debugging functions delete Delete a file List files on a file system display Display current system information fixdisk Recoverlostchainsinstorage device format Format thedevice free Clearuserterminalinterface ftp Open FTP connection
lock Lock current user terminal interface mkdir Create anewdirectory more Display the contentsof a file move Move a file nslookup QueryInternetname servers ntdp Run NTDP mands ping Ping function pwd Display current working directory quit Exit fromcurrentmandview reboot Reset switch rename Rename a file or directory reset Resetoperation rmdir Remove an existing directory save Save current configuration schedule Schedule system task
send Sendinformationtootheruser terminal interfaces stacking Runmandon stackswitch startup Specify system startup parameters super Set the current user priority level system-viewEntertheSystem View telnet Establish oneTELNET connection terminal Set theterminallinecharacteristics tftp OpenTFTPconnection tracemac TraceMACfunction tracert Trace route function undelete Recovera deleted file opun Cancel current setting xmodem Establishanxmodemconnection 用户视图命令: 启动系统启动选项
cd切换当前目录 时钟指定系统时钟 群集运行群集命令 从一个文件拷贝复制到另一个 调试启用系统调试功能 delete删除一个文件 一个文件系统目录列表文件 显示屏显示当前系统信息 fixdisk存储设备中恢复丢失的链条 格式格式化设备 免费清晰的用户终端接口 打开FTP连接的FTP 锁锁的当前用户终端界面 mkdir创建一个新的目录 更显示文件的内容