H3C配置经典全面教程(经验和资料收集整理版) 1H3CMSR路由器、交换机基本调试步骤(初学级别): 1.1如何登陆进路由器或交换机 1.1.1搭建配置环境 第一O□□H3CO□□□□□□o□□□□□□(ConSole)□□□o□ 10□□□0□ORJ-45-00□0□□0□□□(Console)O0 20000000DB-9(0DB-25)000000000000000000000000 品 口 console线 console 备注:登陆交换机的方法与路由器的一致,现仅用路由器举 1.1.2设置微机或终端的参数(进入路由器或交换机) 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Windows口o级口o口
20第000000000 a0□□□00 H3CO0000000 REO CLUI X 89 stant b□□□□□ -OO□COM□OOO□COM1 REO CLU X 空版 start
c0□□□□□□□□(0□□□0□□□□□0) REO CLUE Pottetiogs t 6 A None tes Deoads start d□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□□ D& InitDOR systee start booting... Press CTRLD tostop auto-boot -.Version2.07 Booting NoraalExtendBootRoa Depressing...done! Ensure the baudrate is set to 96BBbpstStarting at Bxa H3C MSR58-68 B00TROM Version 2.87 ight(c) 2884-286 Bangzhou Huawei3Cox Technology Co. Ltd. date: Sep 262086 14:35:28 CPU PU MPC8541 CPU Cache 32KB 256KB Type DOR SDRAM 8338H2 BootRon Size 3338H2 4896KB CPLD Hardlare Version Version is is 2.00 CF Card is Inserted cf:/ Volume is OK now is mounting. start 162:14
DW User interface conB is available. Please press ENTER. 26 14:18:14:211 2887 H3C SHELL/4/L0GIN: Console 1ogin froa conB stant 1.2路由器基本调试命令 1.2.1使用本地用户进行telnet登录的认证 system-view 0□□□□0 [H3C]telnetserverenable oooo telnet□ [H3C]configure-usercount5 00□000□00000000 [H3C]local-usertelnet Do□ooo(o□otelnetooooooooo ) [H3C-luser-telnet]password simpleh3c telnetoooo 00000 [H3C-luser-telnet]service-type telnet ( telnet)
[H3C-luser-telnet]level3□□o□o□□o级口 [H3C-luser-telnet]quitoooo□ [H3C] [H3C]user-interfacevty04□ [H3C-ui-vty0-4]authentication-modescheme □口 scheme"□ 备注:红色部分可以由客户自行设置,此处仅做举例时使用!
1.2.2路由器接口的配置 00000 ip 00 system-view□ [H3C] interface serial 3/0 □□□ [H3C-Serial3/0] ip address 0000 0 ip 00 [H3C-Serial3/0]undoshutdown 0□□□□□□□ [H3C-Serial3/0] quit□□□ [H3C] 备注:红色部分可以由客户自行设置,此处仅做举例时使用!
1.2.3静态路由或默认路由的配置 system-view 0□□□□0 [H3C]ip route-static [H3C]ip route-static 0□-00□