HP RAID 磁盘阵列配置图解.docx


本文介绍DL380 DL580 DL360服务器系列配置Raid5的两种方法:使用ORCA配 置和使用SmartStart7.91中的ArrayConfigurationUtility(ACU)配置.

SOLUTION: 1.使用ORCA配置Raid5 'e 开机自检到阵列卡时,有F8的提示.

ProLiant Sgsten BI0S-P56(85/81/2B87) opyright 1982 2B87 Heu lett-Packard Deve lopnent Conpamy L.P. Proc 1: Dea1-Core Inte1(R) Xeon(TM) Proceor (2.66 GHz/1333 Hz, 4KB 12) ouer Roglatr Mode: Static High Perfonance 1615-Pouer Supply Fel lere or PouerSupply Dhplugod Ia Bey ? alid bocloay systen ROH iL0 2 1.38 Jem 81 2887 grated Lights-0et 2 Aduanced Slot1P SnartArrayPae Controller (512R8 v4.86) 1955-2886LS1 Logic Corp. HPTB10S- IP Beri1d 《<() b. 按F8进入阵列配置工具RBSU.

选择第一项:CreateLogicalDrive进入阵 列创建界面.

Option Ron Conik Copright28eS Howlott-PecardDeve lopent Conpan L.P. Direct-Rtacd Stereg Controller:HPSnart Array PB8 slot-1 CreteLegical Prive Hain e UleuLogical rie Dalute Logical brive toviw the existing logical drives Note: For nore conf iguretion options use the HP Arrey Configuration IlLility to selectminneoption;to exit C. 使用Space键选中、Tab键切换选项.

将三块物理硬盘都选中;选择Raid 5;由于只用了三块sas硬盘,故不选spare;MaximumBootpartition:选择8GB maximum.按回车创建Raid5.

Optioa Ron Comfiguration far Rrrays version7.04.82.B Copgright 2BE6 Houlett-Packard Developmmt Conpansy L.P. Direct-fttached Storae Controller:HP Snart Array Mae slot1 Rvailable ET Plegsicat Drives [JRID6(ADC) DConfigration Post21. [XPort 325 XPort21,Rx 21. SAS RAID18 [X] RA1D5 [RAID8 dssenpann -Spare HaxisinBootpartitiom [X3Enble(BCBmaxinun) []Disable(4CBnaxinun) to croatea logicaldrive;tonavigate toscrol1;toretur Note:Fornore configurationoptioususe the HP Rrray Conf iguration Utility d. 按F8保存配置.

Dptin Ron Coafiguration for Rrrays wersion7.84.82.8a Copyr ight 26 Hewlett-Packard Developeent Conpany L.P. irect-ttadSt ControllerHP Snart ArrayPE slot 1 Yo have selocted a logical drive uitha total data size of 67.8 CBand RAID 5 fault tolerance. Pressto save te configuration Press to cancel to save the cof iguratio <ESCto cancel Note:For nore configuration optionc sethe HPRrTay Co e. 提示设置已保存,按回车键继续. DptionRonCoafiguratiom forArraye version7.84.82.8B Copyr ight 2886 Heulett-Paclard Deve lopent Conpany L.P. Controller:IPSnrt ArrayPee slot1 Direct-Rttached Storage Configatinad Press to contine to continue tilit 回到主界面,选择ViewLoagicalDriver,按回车查看阵列信息.

Option Ran Congie Copright28eS Howlott-PecardDeve lopent Conpany L.P. Direct-Rttachd Sterg Controller:HPSnart Array P4B8 slot-1 CreteLogical Prive HainNemu UleuLogical rie Delute Logical Brive toviow the existing logical drives Note: For nore confignretion optioss use the HP Array Configuration Iitity to selectminne option;tnexit g. 显示有一个logicaldrive,级别为Raid5,状态OK.

Option Ron Conf iguirat lon for Arrays verslon7.84.a2.8B CoprightB6Hltt-PackadDevelopent Copa L ircttSt Controller:HP SartRrrayPBB slot1 fvallable Logical Drlueg Logical riw1 RID5 67.8 to vieu logical drive details Note:For nore conf iguiration options use the HP Array Configuration Utility h. 再按回车查看详细信息.

显示阵列中物理盘的参数和状态以及是否有Spare 盘.

Copuright2eeGHeulett-Packard Develope Cantrollr: IP Sart reg Mee stet 1 ent Conpany. L.P. Dlrect-ataced Storse Logical Drive1 RA1D 5 67.8CB Status OK Assigned FhgsicalDrive Port 21 Box Port2l Boc 1 Bag1146.BC8 SRS Drioe[K lay '2 SRS Drive Ho Drives Present Rssigned Spare Drives Uieu Logical Drive to scroll;to return;tonavigate ote:For nore configuration options use the HP Arrey Configiration Utility 2.使用SmartStart7.91中的ArrayConfigurationUtility(ACU)配置Raid5.

a. 进入ACU(其中有两种方式可进入ACU): 用SmartStart7.91光盘引l导进入SmartStart的主界面,选择 Maintain Server-Configure Array.

如果系统(以Windows系统为例)下已经安装了ProliantSupport Pack(PSP包),则在开始-程序-HPSystemtools-HPArrayConfigurationUtility打 开ACU.





