HPDL380G5服务器配置RAID 查看阵列 neat Conpany L.P. Proc 1: Dual-Core Intel(R)Xeom(TM) Processor (1.68 CHz/1866 MHz 4HB L2) Pouer Regulator Mode: OS Control Advanced Menory Protection Mode: Advanced ECC Support Redundant ROM Detected -This systen contains a valid backup systen ROH. Integrated Lights-Out 2Aduanced iL0 2 v1.26 Nov 17 28B6 Slot3HPSnart ArrayE2BBController (64MB v1.28) Logical Drives 1785-Slot3 DriveArray Not Conf igured Run Array Conf iguration Utility Press to run the Option ROM Conf iguration for Rrrays Utility Press to Accept the default configuration -2 drives in RAID 1 1.在开机后,显示到SmartArray阵列卡时,按F8进入ORCA Option Ron Configuration far Arrays version 3.B Controller:HP Snart ArrayE28B slot 3 Hain Henu Create LogicalDrive Uieu Logical Drive Delete Logical Drive to create a neu logical drive DOHN ARROW> to select nain menu option;to exit
2.ORCA的主界面 .toast..cn There are mo available logical drives. Pressto return to the nain nem. to return Note: For nore configuration options use the HP Array Conf iguration Utility 3.选择viewlogicaldrive选项来查看现有阵列,因未做阵列,所以显示如上图所示, 此时按esc键返回到主界面 二、创建阵列 Option Ron Cont .09 Controller: HP Snart Array E288 slot 3 Create Logical Drive Main Menu Delete Logical Drive 4.如要创建新阵列,选择createlogicaldrive选项,并按enter键,进入阵列配置 界面
RRID Configuration LXJ Port 11.Box 1 May 1. 146.BCB SRS 1use CBGR 5.用上下键来滚动,空格键来选择,用tab键来跳到其他不同选项中,其中带[X]标 志表示已经被选择,如上图,选择了两块硬盘做RAID10,无在线热备硬盘,不启用最大 分区选项 .toast..cn Youhave selected a logical drive with a total data size of 136.7 CB and RAID 10 fault tolerance. Pressto save the configuration Press to cancel to save the configuration to cancel Note:Fornore configiration optionsuse the HPArray Configiration Utility 6.当确认配置完毕后,按enter键确认,再按F8键保存配置,如上图所示
.toast..cn Configuration saved Pressto continue to contine Note: For nore configuration options use the HP Array Conf iguration Utility 7.按enter键继续 .toast..cn LogicalDrive#1 RA1D 18, 136.7 DOHN ARROH>toselect logicaldrive::toreturn tovieulogical drlve details Note: For nore configuration options use the HP frray Conf igiration Utitity
Option Ron Cont. .88 Controller:HP Snart Array E28 slot3 Logical Drive #1 RA1D 18 136.7 fvailable Logical Drives 8.此时,会显示出以创建好的阵列,如上图所示 Copyright2885 Hewlett-Packard Developnent Conpany.L.P. conthttpd/oant..cn Logical Drive #1 RAID 1D 136.7CB Status OK Assigned Physical Drives Port 11 Box1 Bay2 146.BCB SRSDrive0K fssigned Spare Drives Vieu Logical Drive 9.按回车键可以查看阵列的详细信息 三、删除阵列
HP DL380 G5服务器配置RAID.docx