RISION 迪锐信 IDC增值业务文档 HP服务器Raid配置 1.配置过程 我们以当下比较流行的HPDL380、DL580服务器为例使用ORCA配置Raid5 开机自检到阵列卡时,有F8的提示.
ProL.iant Sgsten B10S-P56(85/B12887) Copuright 1982. 2887 Heulett-Packard Deve lopnent Conpany L.P Pouer Rogulator Mode:Static High Perfornne Proc 1: Dua1Core Intel(R)Xeom(TH)Procest r (2.66 CHz/1333 Hz 4HB L2) nory Protection Mode:fdvanced EOC Support i10 2 1.38 Jum 81 2887 Integrated Lights-0ut 2Advanced LSI Logic Corp.MPT BIOS Slot 1HP Snart Array Pee Cotrol ler (512B u4.B6)3 Logical Drives MPTB10S- HP Bui1d <> XF9 按F8进入阵列配置工具RBSU.
选择第一项:CreateLogicalDrive进入阵列创建界 面.
Oytion Ron Cont Dopsright 28e5 Hewlett-Packard Deve Controller: HP SnartArayMaa slot1 Direct-Attathed Storag HainMen Creute logical Drlue Bulete Logical Drie UieuLogical Drlug <UP/DBNARRIN toselectmanmemoptionitnecit Enter>toviouthe existinglogical drives Note: For nore configuratiom options use the HP Rrrag Configuration ULitity 1/4
RISION 迪锐信 IDC增值业务文档 使用Space键选中、Tab键切换选项.
将三块物理硬盘都选中;选择Raid5;由于 只用了三块sas硬盘,故不选spare;MaximumBootpartition:选择8GBmaximum.按 回车创建Raid5.
right 2886 [Port21. Bay 106 146 8CB SAS IXI: 1. ond drive asspos EX1 Emble(UCB naxinun3 Note:For nore conf igiration options use the HP fray Con utilit 按F8保存配置.
Option Contttraaot1 PressFB)to save the conf igratia Press to cancel configratiom utilit 提示设置已保存,按回车键继续.
RISION 迪锐信 IDC增值业务文档 Copyright 2ee6 Heulett-Packard Developnent Conpang L.P ContrlArryPs Direct-Attacled Storage Configuration saved Press to continuo (Enter)to contimie 回到主界面,选择ViewLoagicalDriver,按回车查看阵列信息.
Create Log Dalete Logical Drfve UieuLogical Drive 显示有一个logicaldrive,级别为Raid5,状态OK.
RISION 迪锐信 IDC增值业务文档 L.P Contraller:MP Snart Array Med slot 1 Logical Drive 1,RR1D tovieu togical drice detalls Note:For nore conf iguration options use 再按回车查看详细信息.
7.B4.2.H L.P Logical Drioe 1. RAID 5. 57.8 I Status OK DOR crell:(ESc>to retar te:For to 4/4