

H核心交换机E网络维 护手册 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】
网络设备维护手册 第一章交换机作手册 此部分档使用本项目交换机型号如下:S7506E/S5120/S5130/WX3024E 设备登陆 Console登陆 1、通过交换机Console口进行本地登录是登录交换机的最本的方式,也是配置通 过 其他方式登录交换机的 .

连接示意图如下: 2、把电 和交换机连接好 ,交换机上电开机,然在电上进行如下作,先 点 开 >程 > 件 >通 >超级端 打开 出现下 图示, 名称,可以 意 成点 确定,出现下 界,连接时使用 COM口,一般式机为C0M1或 COM2,而 本 过 接,可能会产生COM3或COM4,也有可能是其他的, 可以在 下的 项里看到, 成 点确定.

通过上 的 ,现在到了对端口性进行设置, 一般情况下没有进行过 ,默认 只要点 还 为默认值可以了,然 确定.

可,会出现H3C> 示符,说明 与交换机连接,可以进行配置了,如果没有可以重交换机或检查连 接是否正确.

telnet登陆 1、新用户名密码 local-user admin /admin为用户名 password cipher h3c 123 /h3c 123为密码 authorization-attribute level3 admin用户的等级为3,3为最高级 service-type telnet admin用户的登陆方式,可以为 ftp、telnet等 telnet server enable /开 telnet服务 使用电连接至交换机: 交换机加电开机显示 sarting. . **** * * H3C S551024P B00TR0M Version 142 * 要 *
************************************************************* Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Hangzhou H3C Tech. Co. Ltd. Creation date:Mar 12 2008 11:17:30 CPU Clock Speed :200MHz BUS Clock Speed:33MHz Memory Size :128MB The switch Mac is: 000F-E2B1BD60 Press CtrlB to enter Boot Menu... 10 Auto-booting... Depress Image. . OK Starting.. ********************* ************* **** * Copyright (c) 20042008 Hangzhou H3C Tech. Co., Ltd. A11 rights reserved. * Without the owner s prior written consent * * no depiling or reverse-engineering shall be allowed. * **** It will take a long time to get configuration file please wait.. Startup configuration file does not exist. User interface aux0 is available. %Apr 26 12:03:53:611 2000 H3C SHELL/4/L0GIN: Console 1ogin from aux0 sys [H3C] [H3C]sysname neiwang [neiwangluseradmin]pa sin admin fg)
safely Save current configuration safely [neiwang]save s [neiwang]save safely Are you sure [Y/N]:y Please input the file name(* cfg) [fla] (To leave the existing filename unchanged press the enter key) : Validating file. Please wait.. Now saving current configuration to the device. Saving configuration fla. Please wait... Configuration is saved to flash successfully. [neiwang]qu save The current configuration will be written to the device. Are you sure [Y/N] :n sys System View: return to User View with Ctrl [neiwang] DHCP Snooping was enabled. [neiwangGigabitEthernet1/0/15]qu [neiwang]vlan 26 [neiwang-vlan26] [neiwangGigabitEthernet1/0/15]port access vlan 26 [neiwang-GigabitEthernet1/0/15]qu [neiwang-GigabitEthernet1/0/25]port trunk permital1 Done. [neiwang-GigabitEthernet1/0/25]undo port link-type Done. [neiwang-GigabitEthernet1/0/25]sp [neiwangGigabitEthernet1/0/25]speed 10 Specify speed of current port 10Mb/s 100 Specify speed of current port 100Mb/s 1000 Specify speed of current port 1000Mb/s auto Enable port s speed negotiation automatically [neiwang-GigabitEthernet1/0/25]speed au [neiwang-GigabitEthernet1/0/25]speed auto [neiwang-GigabitEthernet1/0/25]du [neiwangGigabitEthernet1/0/25]duplex au [neiwang-GigabitEthernet1/0/25]duplex auto [neiwangGigabitEthernet1/0/25]qu [neiwang]dhcp [neiwang]dhcp-snooping
[neiwang]dhcp-snooping DHCP Snooping has already been enabled. [neiwang]int g 1/0/25 [neiwang-GigabitEthernet1/0/25]dhcp [neiwangGigabitEthernet1/0/25]dhcpsnooping information Specify Option 82 service trust Trusted port [neiwang-GigabitEthernet1/0/25]dhcp-snooping tr [neiwang-GigabitEthernet1/0/25]dhcp=snooping trust [neiwang-GigabitEthernet1/0/25]dhcpsnooping trust [neiwang-GigabitEthernet1/0/25]qu [neiwang]dis valn INTEGER VLAN ID all A1l the VLANs dynamic Dynamic VLAN ID reserved Reserved VLAN ID static Static VLAN ID [neiwang]dis vlan al1 [neiwang]dis arp [neiwang]dis arp all Display static dynamic ARP entry dynamic Display dynamic ARP entry interface Display by Interface sourcesuppression Display ARP source suppression static Display static ARP entry timer Display ARP timer vlan Display by VLAN vpn-instance Display ARP entries by VPN name [neiwang]dis arp all Type: S-Static D-Dynamic IP Address MAC Address VLAN ID Interface Aging Type [neiwang]dis mac-a [neiwang]dis mac-address [neiwang] # interface Vlan-interface4000 //路由 管理口vlan //路由 管理地 IP interface GigabitEthernet1/0/52 程路由 # //指定要 的路由





