ME3101 500MA DCDC 升压ic中文资料.pdf


ME3101 500mASynchronousStep-DownDC/DCConvertersME3101Series GeneralDescription Features ME3101 series is a group of synchronous 1 Synchronous Step-Down DC/DC rectification type DC/DC converters with a built-in High Efficiency :93%(TYP) 0.6Ω P-channel driver transistor and 0.7ΩQ N-channel Low Ripple Voltage :10mV switching transistor designed to allow the use of Output Current :500mA ceramic capacitors. The ICs enable a high efficiency 1 Osillation Frequency :1.2MHz stable power supply with an output current of 500mA 1 PWM/PFMAutomaticSwitching Control to be configured using only a coil and two capacitors 1 MaximumDuty Ratio100% connected extermally. CeramicCapacitor Comipatible With the built-in oscillator oscillation frequency is 1 Ultra Small Packages:SOT-23-5 1.2MHz.As for operation mode the ME3101 series 1 Soft-start ciruit built-in can be manually switched with automatic PWM/PFM switching control mode allowing fast response low ripple and high efficiency over the full range of load (from light load to high output current condlitions). Typical Application During standby all circuits are shutdown to Mobile phones (PDC GSM CDMA IMT200 etc.) reduce current consumption to as low as 1.0μA or Bluetoothequipment less. PDA Portable munication modem Selection Guide Portable games ME3101XXXXX XX Cameras DifferentFootPosition Digital cameras Environment mark Cordlless phones e.g.G-Lead feo Notebook puters Package: e.gM5-SOT23-5 Typical Application Circuit OutputVoltage e.g.:10-1.0V 12-1.2V VOUT 18-1.8V VIN VIN (500mA) 33-3.3V Function (ceramic) CIN vss (ceramic) ed1npod CE/MODE MODE vour Product Series Microne V5.0 1
ME3101 Pin Configuration Lx VOUT VOUT VIN 5 印字面 印字面 2 ③ VSS CE/MODE VIN 3 CE/MODE VSS LX ME3101AXX ME3101AXX-DS Pin Assignment ME3101AXX Pin Name Function Pin Number 1 VIN Power Input 2 VSS VSS 3 CE/MODE Chip Enable/ Mode Switch 4 VOUT Output Voltage Sence 5 LX Switching Output ME3101AXX-DS Pin Name Function Pin Number 1 CE/MODE Chip Enable / Mode Switch 2 VSS VSS 3 LX Switching Output 4 VIN Power Input 5 VOUT Output Voltage Sence V5.0 2
ME3101 Absolute Maximum Ratings PARAMETER SYMBOL RATINGS UNITS VIN Pin Voltage Vin -0.3-6.5 Lx Pin Voltage Vx -0.3~Vin0.3 VOUTPin Voltage Vout -0.3~6.5 CE/MODEPin Voltage Vce -0.3~Vin0.3 V Lx Pin Current IIx ±1000 mA Power Dissipation(SOT-23-5L) Pd 250 MW Operating Temperature Range Topr 85 Storage Temperature Range Tg 40~ Block Diagram /0UT PWM Buffer Driver Current PWP Limit & Feedback CoE Ramp Wave Generator OSC CEMODE Control Logic V5.0 3
ME3101 Electrical Characteristics ME3101A10 (Unless Otherwise Stated VIN=3.0V FOSC=1.2MHz Cin=4.7uF CL = 10uF L = 3.3uH Ta=25°C ) PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. LINN CIRCUIT Output Voltage Vout Vce = Vin lout = 30mA 0.98 1.0 1.02 v Operating Voltage Vin 2 - 6 V Range Maximum Output lout.max Current 500 mA U.V.L.O Vce = Vin Vout = OV .Voltage Vuvlo LX Voltage which Lx pin 1.2 v voltage holding “L" level Supply Current ldd Vin= Vce= 3.0V Vout = Voutx1.1 55 uA ③ Stand-by Current Istb Vin = 3.0V Vce=0V 0 1 uA Vout=Voutx1.1 ③ Frequency FOSC lout=100mA 1020 1200 1380 KHz PFM Switch Current Ipfm 180 1 mA Maximum Duty Ratio Maxdty Vce=Vin Vout=0 100 - % Minimum Duty Mindty Ratio Vce=Vout=Vin - 0 % Etficiency EFFI Vce=Vin=2.5V, 90 lout=100mA % Lx SW “H" ON RIXH Vce=0.5Vin,Vce=0V Resistance IIx=100mA 0.5 1.2 Ω Lx SW L°ON Resistance RIxL Vce=0.5Vin,llx=100mA 0.6 1.4 Ω Lx SW “H" Leak lleakH Vin=Vout=5.0V Current Vce=0V Lx=0V 0.01 1 uA LxSWLLeak IleakL Vin = Vout = 5.0V Current Vce=0V Lx=5V - 0.01 1 uA Current Limit Ilim Vin=Vce=5.0V Vout=0V 800 mA Output Voltage Temperature Vout/ (Vout*topr) lout=30mA -40°C≤Topr≤85°℃ 100 3/udd Characteristics CE“H*Voltage VceH Vout=0V 0.7 Vin A CE“L"Voltage VceL Vout=0V Vss - 0.6 v CE “H" Current lceh Vin=Vce=5.5V Vout=0V -0.1 - 0.1 uA V5.0 4
ME3101 CE“L" Current lcel Vin= 5.5V Vce = 0V Vout=OV -0.1 - 0.1 n Soft-Start Time Tss Vce = 0V-Vin lout= 1mA 0.5 1.2 3.0 msec Latch Time Vin = Vce = 5.0V 1 20 msec ME3101A12 (Unless Otherwise Stated VIN=3.0V,FOSC=1.2MHz Cin=4.7uF CL = 10uF L= 3.3uH,Ta=25°C PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. LINN CIRCUIT Output Voltage Vout Vce = Vin lout = 30mA 1.176 1.2 1.224 V Operating Voltage Vin 2 6 v Range Maximum Output Current lout.max VIN=2.5V 500 mA U.V.L.O Vce = Vin Vout = OV .Voltage Vuvlo LX Voltage which Lx pin 1.4 1.78 v voltage holding "L" level Supply Current ldd Vin= Vce= 3.0v 60 Vout= Voutx1.1 120 uA ③ Stand-by Current Istb Vin=3.0V,Vce=0V Vout=Voutx1.1 1 uA ③ Frequency FOSC lout=100mA 1020 1200 1380 KHz PFM Switch Current Ipfm Vce=Vin,lout=1mA 100 140 180 mA Maximum Duty Ratio Maxdty Vce=Vin Vout=0 100 - % Minimum Duty Mindty Ratio Vce=Vout=Vin 0 % Etficiency EFFI Vce=Vin=2.5V lout =100mA 90 % Lx SW “H"ON RIXH Vce=0.5Vin Vce=0V Resistance lIlx=100mA 0.5 1.2 LxSWLON Resistance RIxL Vce=0.5Vin llx=100mA 0.6 1.4 LxSW“HLeak IleakH Vin= Vout=5.0V Current Vce=0V Lx=0V 0.01 1 vn LxSWLLeak IleakL Vin= Vout=5.0V Current Vce=0V Lx=5V - 0.01 1 vn Current Limit Ilim Vin=Vce=5.0V Vout =0V 600 700 mA Output Voltage Temperature Vout/ (Vout*topr) lout=30mA -40°C≤Topr≤85°C 100 ppm/℃ Characteristics V5.0 5





