包装危险货物技术说明书 Technical description of Dangerous Goods in Packaged Form 中文 生产单位签章(包括生产单位主管部门) 货物正确技术名称 Chinese 硫脉 商业名称 Manufacture'sseal(includingadministrative Correct technical name of the goods 英文 Trade name department of manufacturer) English THOUREA 主要成分(分子 联合国编号 3077 式) (NH2)2CS UN No. Main ponents (fomula) 理化性质和主要危险性 白色结晶体 鉴定单位意见: Physical and chemical properties and WHITE CRYSTAL Remarks by testing organization main hazards. 包装方法* 装入25公斤编织袋 Packing PACKING IN 500KG NET WOVEN BAGS 船舶装运安全措施与注意事项 Safety measures and precautions for 防潮,存干燥通风处 carriage by ships. KEEP DRY 撒漏处理方法 用水冲洗干净 托运单位: Method to deal with leakage USE WATER TO CLEAN UP dds 急救措施 站皮肤后用水清洗 Emergeney medical treatment. IF ON SKIN WASHIT WITH WATER
灭火方法 用土覆盖 托运日期: 光科技 Method for fire fighting. COVERINGWITHSOIL. Date of shipping 注:*单一物质注明分子式,混合物注明主要成分.
南 公 该种货物本身危害性和其它货物的相容性,说明在遇到某种货物时易发生的危险.
湖 可 Formula should be indicated for a single substance and main ponents for a mixture. Proporties should inzlude state color odour melting point flash point flash point explosion limits poisomnus concentration LD50/LC50. The testing reports issued by technical inspection organizations should be attached. Compatibility between the cargo and others; description of the danger of the cargo in contact with others. 包装方法应说明包装的材质、状态、厚度、封口、内部衬物、外部加固情况及单位重量等.
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