BS7974:2019 BSI StandardsPublication Application of firesafety engineering principles to the design of buildings - Codeofpractice bsi.
BS 7974:2019 BRITISH STANDARD Publishing and copyright information The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. @ The British Standards Institution 2019 Published by BSI Standards Limited 2019 ISBN 978 0 580 96885 3 ICS 13.220.20; 91.040.01 The following BSI references relate to the work on this document: Committee reference FSH/24 Draft for ment 18/30356709 DC Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Date Text affected THE BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION 2019 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
BRITISH STANDARD BS 7974:2019 Contents Page Foreword iii 0Introduction 1 0.1 General 1 Figure 1 The structure of the British Standard and the Published Documents 2 0.2 The sub-systems 3 Figure 2 - Example of the plexity of the linkages between the sub-systems that can arise if the anolysis is not simplified 5 Figure 3 Exomple of how the sub-system procedures can be simplified to assess the adequacy of means of escope from the room of fire origin 6 Figure 4 - Exomple of how the sub-system procedures con be utilized to assess the ability of α building structure to resist α partment burnout 7 0.3 PD 7974-7 Probabilistic risk assessment 7 0.4 Background 7 Table 1 - Examples of advantages and disodvantages of design codes 8 Table 2 - Examples of advantages and disadvontoges of FSE approoch 9 1Scope 9 2 Normative references 9 Terms and definitions 9 4 Overview of the design approach 12 4.1 Competence 12 4.2 Framework 13 Figure 5 Basic fire safety design process 14 Figure 6 - The QDR process 15 4.3 Qualitative Design Review (QDR) 15 4.4 Quantitative or qualitative analysis 17 Figure 7 Exomple oftime line parison between fire development and evocuation/damage to property 17 4.5 Assessment against acceptance criteria 18 4.6 Peer review 18 4.7 Reporting and presentation of results 18 Qualitative Design Review (QDR) 18 5.1 Overview 18 5.2 Review architectural design and selection of materials including their suitability and fire properties occupant characteristics and client requirements 20 Table 3 Typical items to be token into account during review of architectural design 21 5.3 Establish functional objectives for fire 22 5.4 Identify fire hazards and possible consequences 24 Table 4 - Typical items to be considered during hozard identification 25 5.5 Establish trial FSE designs 26 Table 5 - Checklist for development of trial design 27 5.6 Set acceptance criteria 29 Figure 8 - Relationship for setting quantitative and quolitative acceptance criteria 5.7 Identify method of analysis 31 Table 6 - Advontoges and disadvantages of deterministic analysis 31 Table 7 - Advontages and disadvantages of probabilistic analysis 32 5.8 Establish fire scenarios for analysis 32 5.9Document outputs of QDR 33 6 Qualitative analysis 33 THE BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION 2019 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
BS 7974:2019 BRITISH STANDARD 7 Quantitative analysis 34 7.1 Use of sub-systems 34 7.2 Deterministic and probabilitic analysis 34 Figure 9 - Straightforward and plex smoke spill plumes 35 7.3 Fire analysis 37 Figure 10 - Typical stages in the development and decay of α fire 38 7.4 Life safety analysis 40 7.5 Loss control and organizational resilience analysis 42 puao audo pu sagafqo uisap uoaod Aradoud Buas fo saduxg g ag 42 Table 9 - Benefits and costs of fire protection measures for property protection 43 7.6 Analysis of environmental impact/protection 43 7.7 Economic/financial analysis 43 8 Assessment against acceptance criteria 44 9 Quality assurance 44 9.1 General 44 9.2 Limits of application 45 9.3 Sensitivity analysis 45 9.4 Uncertainties 46 10 Reporting and presentation of results 47 10.1 General 47 10.2 Functional objectives of the FSE analysis 48 10.3 Building description 48 10.4 Results of the QDR 48 10.5 Quantified analysis 48 10.6 Comparison of design with acceptance criteria 49 10.7 Fire safety strategy 49 10.8 Conclusions 49 10.9 References 50 10.10 Qualifications and experience of the fire safety engineer(s) 50 Annex A (informative) Possible misconceptions 51 Annex B (informative) Property protection and mission resilience 52 Figure B.1 - BIA to QDR process 55 Bibliography 60 Summary of pages This document prises a front cover and inside front cover pages i to iv pages 1 to 61 an inside back cover and a back cover. II THE BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION 2019 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
BRITISH STANDARD BS 7974:2019 Foreword Publishing information g a o a ap pr sps iq pund s pps u s Standards Institution and came into effect on 31 March 2019. It was prepared by Technical Committee FSH/24 Fire safety engineering. A list of organizations represented on this mittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Supersession This British Standard supersedes BS 7974:2001 PD 7974-0:2002 and PD 7974-8:2012 which are withdrawn. Relationship with other publications BS 7974 is intended to provide a framework for the application of fire safety engineering principles ugddy squano pausn jo sauas 6 d a q paoddns s1I supq go usap a o of fire safety principles to the design ofbuildings that contain guidance and information on how to undertake detailed analysis of specific aspects of fire safety engineering in buildings. PD 7974-1 to PD 7974-7 provide a summary of the state of the art and it is intended that they are updated as new theories calculation methods and/or data bee available. The parts of PD 7974 are structured as follows: *PD 7974-1 Initiation and development of fire within the enclosure of origin (Sub-system 1): ● PD 7974-2 Spreod of smoke and toxic gases within and beyond the enclosure of origin :(z uasfs-gns) ● PD 7974-3 Structural response and fire spread beyond the enclosure of origin (Sub-system 3); PD 79744 Detection ofire and activation ofire protection systems (Sub-system 4): PD 7974-5 Fire and rescue service intervention (Sub-system 5): ● PD 7974-6 Occupant evacuation behaviour and condition (Sub-system 6); and PD 7974-7 Probabilistic risk assessment. PD 7974-4 has now been withdrawn; it provided guidance on the detection of fire and activation of fire protection systems. This guidance is now included in the various parts of the PD 7974 series and other standards covering the subject. PD 7974-4 is referred to as part of the PD 7974 series for the sake of pleteness but is no longer maintained as a current document. Information about this document This British Standard can be used to identify and define one or more fire safety design issues to be las o pasn aq uau ue 6 d jo (sjed aeudoudde au uaauua Aajes aug Susn passappe specific acceptance criteria and undertake detailed analysis. THE BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION 2019 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED II1
英文原版 BS 7974 2019 消防安全工程原理在建筑物设计中的应用-实践守则.pdf