ISOWD16733-2:2016(E) Date:2018-03-29 ISO TC 92/SC 4 Secretariat:AFNOR Firesafetyengineering-Selection of designfirescenarios and designfires-Part2:Designfires Current stage 10.99 Target date DTS 6 September 2019 Target date publication 6 September 2020
ISO WD 16733-2:2016(E) Contents Page Scope.. .8 2 Normative references . 8 3 Terms and definitions. 8 4 Symbols and abbreviated terms .. .9 5 The Role of Design Fires in Fire Safety Design. ..10 6 Considerations based on methods of analysis. 12 7 Elements of a Design Fire.. 13 7.1 General.. ..13 7.2 Rate of fire growth. .14 7.3 Flashover 15 7.4 Fully developed fires. ..15 7.5 Events that change a design fire 16 7.5.1 Suppression systems. 16 7.5.2 Intervention by fire services.. 16 7.5.3 Changes in ventilation. 16 7.5.4 Enclosure effects. ..17 7.6 Decay- 17 8 Constructing a design fire curve. ..17 8.1 Procedure. 17 8.2 Step 1 - Parameters provided by the design fire scenario 18 8.3 Step 2 - Fires involving single or multiple fuels . .18 8.3.1 General. 18 8.3.2 Develop design fire curve for first item.. 18 8.3.3 Ignition of other items. 18 8.3.4 Power law design fire curves.. 19 8.3.5 Wall and ceiling linings .. .20 8.4 Step 3 Flashover. 20 8.4.1 General. 20 8.4.2 Empirical Correlations for critical heat release rate for onset of flashover. 21 8.5 Step 4 Maximum heat release rate 21 8.5.1 Fuel-controlled fires. ..21 8.5.2 Ventilation-controlled fires... 23 8.5.3 Mechanical ventilation.. .24 8.6 Step 5 - Modifying the design fire curve .24 8.6.1 Suppression systems... ..24 8.6.2 Fire service intervention. 24 @ ISO 2016 All rights reserved 3
ISO WD 16733-2:2016(E) 8.6.3 Changes in ventilation. 25 8.6.4 Enclosure effects on mass loss rate of fuel. 25 8.7 Step 6 - Fire duration and decay.... 25 8.7.1 Duration of the fire growth stage... ..25 8.7.2 Duration of the steady burning stage.. 25 8.8 Step 7 - Decay... ..25 6 Species production. 25 9.1 Smouldering fires. .25 9.2 Species yields. .26 10 Design fires for structural fire engineering. 27 10.1 General. 27 10.2 Localised fires. 27 10.2.1 Flames not impinging the ceiling 28 10.2.2 Flames impinging the ceiling.. .28 10.3 Parametric fires. 30 10.3.1 Heating phase.. 10.3.2 Heating duration and maximum temperature 31 10.3.3 Cooling phase... 31 10.4 .32 10.5 External flaming- .34 11 Other equation-based design fires.. ..34 11.1 General.. .34 11.2 External design fires. 34 11.2.1 General.... ..34 11.2.2 Flames ssuing from an opening.- 34 11.2.3 Fire from a burning object adjacent to an external surface. ..35 12 Fire Tests.. 35 13 Probabilistic aspects of design fires. 35 13.1 Inclusion of statistical representativeness/distribution characteristics. ..36 13.2 Logic tree analyses 36 13.3 Monte Carlo simulation (other random sampling techniques?) ..36 13.4 Stochastic models. .37 13.5 Results of probabilistic analysis and their evaluation... ..37 Annex A (informative) Data for Development of Design Fires.. ..38 Annex B (informative) Examples of probability-based design fires 47 Bibliography... 49 14 Stray text (to be moved or deleted) ..51 14.1 Design Fire Variables. .52 14.1.1 Generalised heat release rate description of a design fire 52 ISO 2016 All rights reserved
ISO WD 16733-2:2016(E) ISO 2016 All rights reserved 5
英文原版 ISO WD 16733-2 2016(E) 消防安全工程设计 火灾情景和设计火灾的选择 第2部分 火灾设计.pdf