PD7974-5:2014 BSIStandardsPublication PUBLISHEDDOCUMENT Applicationoffiresafety engineeringprinciplestothe design ofbuildings Part5:Fireandrescueservice intervention(Sub-system 5) This publication is not to be regardled as a British Standard. bsi. ..makingexcellenceahabit
PD 7974-5:2014 PUBLISHED DOCUMENT Publishing and copyright information The BSl copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued. The British Standards Institution 2014 Published by BSI Standards Limited 2014 ISBN 978 0 580 78989 2 ICS 13.220.10 The following BSI references relate to the work on this document: Committee reference FSH/24 Draft for ment 14/30292939 DC Publication history First published August 2002 Second (present) edition November 2014 Amendments issued since publication Date Text affected
PUBLISHED DOCUMENT PD7974-5:2014 Contents Foreword1 Introduction3 1 E adoos 2 Normative references 3 Terms and definitions General guidance 5 4 4 5 Design objectives10 6 Fire and rescue service information 11 7 Design and building information17 8 Analysis of the effectiveness of fire and rescue service intervention and outputs 29 Annexes Jo e 'sbse u sapem bugubig-any aqenbape Supioid (angewou) xauu plex buildings 48 Bibliography 55 List of figures sqns o sn ed an Figure 2- Basic fire safety design process 8 Figure 3 -Fire and rescue service intervention design process 9 Figure 4-Fire and rescue service intervention12 Figure 5 - Linking together fire modelling with fire and rescue service resource build-up and fire-fighter task analysis 30 Figure 6 - Intervention modelling using a time-dependent fire 32 Figure 7 - Intervention modelling using a progression of steady state fires 32 Figure 8 - Intervention modelling using a continuous steady state fire 33 Figure 9 - Example attendance time of fire appliance 34 Figure 10 - The potential range of attendance time and the deterioration of fire conditions 35 Figure 11 - Actual attendance time towards the higher end of the spectrum So RSIT >ASIT 36 Figure 12 - Potential impacts of applied water on the rate of heat release 44 Figure 13 Remendations for thermal classes of fire-fighter environments showing range of air temperature heat flux and duration 46 Figure A.1 - Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) UK fire research data with results from Barnett's Equation 2 inserted 48 Figure A.2 - GCU research of 70 large fire >500m2 49 Figure A.3 - Medium t-squared growth curve 53 List of tables Table 1 - Fire-fighter task analysis 29 Table 2-Completed task analysis 39 Table A.1 Fire growth rates and travelling fire spread rates observed at past high-rise incidents 50 Summary of pages This document prises a front cover an inside front cover pages i to i pages 1 to 56 an inside back cover and a back cover. The British Standards Institution 2014 ▪1
PD7974-5:2014 PUBLISHED DOCUMENT l •O The British Standards Institution 2014
PUBLISHED DOCUMENT PD7974-5:2014 Foreword Publishing information This Published Document is published by BSI Standards Limited under licence from The British Standards Institution and came into effect o s / ed s uo PD 7974-5 under the authority of Technical Committee FSH/24 Fire safety engineering. A list of organizations represented on this mittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Supersession This Published Document supersedes PD 7974-5:2002 which is withdrawn. Relationship with other publications This Published Document takes information on building characteristics and the design fire from the qualitative design review (QDR) together with the time of fire service notification from sub-system 4 (PD 7974-4) and the time of evacuation from sub-system 6 (PD 7974-6). It provides information on the effect of fire service activities on the growth of the fire which is used by sub-system 1 (PD 7974-1). PD 7974-5 is a new part of the PD 7974 series. The series prises: Part O: Guide to design framework and fire safety engineering procedures; Part 1: Initiation and development of fire within the enclosure of origin (Sub-system 1); Part 2: Spread of smoke and toxic gases within and beyond the enclosure of origin (Sub-system 2); Part 3: Structural response and fire spread beyond the enclosure of origin (Sub-system 3); Part 4: Detection of fire and activation of fire protection systems (Sub-system 4); Part 5: Fire and rescue service intervention (Sub-system 5); Part 6: Human factors Life safety strategies - Occupant evacuation behaviour and condition (Sub-system 6); Part 7: Probabilistic risk assessment; Part 8: Property protection business and mission continuity and resilience. These Published Documents are intended to be used in support of BS 7974. Information about this document This is a full revision of the standard and introduces the following principal changes: the standard has been rewritten to acmodate changes resulting from the National standards of fire cover having been withdrawn and replaced by locally determined standards of fire cover developed through a process called “integrated risk management planning*: guidance is provided on the relationship between building design and fire and rescue service operating procedures. @ The British Standards Institution 2014●1
英文原版 PD 7974-5 2014 消防安全工程原理在建筑设计中的应用 第5部分 消防和救援服务干预子系统.pdf