PD7974-6:2019 BSI StandardsPublication Applicationoffiresafetyengineering principles to the design of buildings Part 6: Human factors: Life safety strategies - Occupant evacuation behaviour and condition (Sub-system 6) bsi.
PD 7974-6:2019 PUBLISHED DOCUMENT Publishing and copyright information The BSI copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last ssued. @ The British Standards Institution 2019 Published by BSI Standards Limited 2019 ISBN 978 0 580 98320 7 ICS 13.220.01 | 91.040.01 The following BSI references relate to the work on this document: Committee reference FSH/24 Amendments/corrigenda issued since publication Date Text affected THE BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION 2019 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
PUBLISHED DOCUMENT PD 7974-6:2019 Contents Page Foreword iii Introduction 1 1Scope 3 Normative references 4 3 Terms definitions symbols and abbreviations 4 Principles 6 Figure 1 - Simplified schematic of processes involved in escape time pared to available safe escape time (ASET) 11 5 Design behavioural scenarios for quantification of RSET pre-travel and travel times 16 Table 1 Design behavioural scenarios and occupancy types 17 6 Estimation of pre-travel times based on design behavioural scenario 20 Estimation of travel times 21 8 Interactions between pre-travel time walking time and exit flow time for evacuation time calculations 23 Calculation of escape and evacuation times for single enclosures and for multi-storey ormulti- enclosure buildings 24 10 Occupant condition 27 Table 2 - Rodiant heat exposure dose limits fordifferent endpoints 31 11 Application of puter evacuation models to calculation of escape times 34 12 Summary 37 Annex A Guidance on the evaluation of detection and warning times 40 Annex B Pre-travel behaviours and determinants 44 Annex C Detailed information required for ASET and RSET calculations 47 Annex D Features of design behavioural scenario categories for derivation of RSET variables OS Annex E Pre-travel time distribution data and derivations 54 Figure E.1 Representation of pre-travel time distributions and effects of different levels of fire safety management 56 Figure E.2 Some examples of measured pre-travel time 56 Table E.1 - Pre-travel times derived from actual fires and evocuation exercises reported in the referenced literature (in minutes) 58 Table E.2 - Suggested pre-travel times for different design behavioural scenorio categories (minutes) 61 Annex F Guidance on travel distances and occupant densities 65 Figure F.1 - Generic retail enclosure 66 Figure F2 Distributions oftravel distances to nearest exit for α randomiy dispersed population in the enclosure shown in Figure F.1 with and without obstructions 66 Annex G Guidance on travel speeds and flow rates 9 Figure G.1 - Effective width for α stair (see Pouls 2003 [17]] 69 Table G.1 - Boundary layer widths 69 unuxu (paads a uo isuap fo saa) ( uogng of susu z aq unimpeded travel speeds (m/s) and fow rates (persons/s/mofeffective width) forhorizontal and stair travel 71 Table G.3 - Summary of maximum flow rates 71 Table G.4 - Maximum flow capacities (from ADB [1]) 72 THE BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION 2019 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
PD 7974-6:2019 PUBLISHED DOCUMENT Table G.5 - Travel speeds reported in the referenced literature - Where density was reportedly not a factor 76 Table G.6 - Travel speeds reported in the referenced literature - Where density was a factor 78 Annex H Example of interactions calculations 79 Figure H.1 Distribution of pre-travel waiking and presentation times of randomly dispersed occupants of retail enclosure shown in Figure FE1 using Sprucefield pre-travel time distribution 80 Figure H.2 - Phases of evacuation times for different populations in a square prescriptively designed retail enclosure with an area of 18 000 m? calculated using GridFlow with the Sprucefield pre-travel time distribution 81 82 Annex I Effects of smoke on walking speed and proposed tenability endpoints for smoke toxic gases and heat Figure I.1 - Walking speeds in non-irritont and irritant smoke 84 Table I.1 - Smoke tenability limits 84 na A uo Bupuadap (9 pu () suonbg onu o puof san 1 aq 86 Table I.3 Proposed design tenability limit exposure concentrations for asphyxiant gases expressed as carbon monoxide for 5 min and 30 min exposures 87 Tabie I.4 - Tenability limits for radiotive and convective heat 87 Table I.5 Ilustration of an ASET FED analysis for the first 6 min of a furniture fire based on α single armchair room burn 88 Figure I.2 - Plots of the FED analysis calculated in Table 1.5 89 Figure 1.3 Estimoted radiont heot fux (kW/m²) to subject with woiking time(s) for two flame sizes 90 Figure I.4 FED for pain to exposed skin for subject walking past the flames in Figure 1.2 91 Annex J Generic worked examples for a number of design behavioural scenarios 91 Tabie .1 Escape time calculation for low occupant density level 1 office Tabie J.2 - Escape time calculation for high occupant density level 1 office 94 Table J.3 - Escape time calculation for low occupant density level 2 office 94 Table J.4 - Escape time calculation for high occupant density level 2 office 94 Tabie J.5 - Escape time calculation for low occupant density level 3 office 95 Tabie J.6 - Escape time colculation for high occupant density level I retail 97 Table J.7 - Escape time calculation for high occupant density level 2 retail 98 Tabie J.8 Escape time calculation for level 3 retail 98 Bibliography 103 Summary of pages This document prises a front cover and inside front cover pages i to iv pages 1 to 109 an inside back cover and a back cover. II THE BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION 2019 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
PUBLISHED DOCUMENT PD 7974-6:2019 Foreword Publishing information This Published Document is published by BSI Standards Limited under licence from The British Standards Institution and came into effect on 31 March 2019. It was prepared by Technical Committee FSH/24 Fire sofety engineering. A list of organizations represented on this mittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Supersession This Published Document supersedes PD 7974-6:2004 which is withdrawn. Relationship with other publications The parts of PD 7974 are structured as follows: • PD 7974-1 Initiotion and development of fire within the enclosure of origin; ● PD 7974-2 Spread of smoke and toxic gases within and beyond the enclosure of origin; PD 7974-3 Structural response and fire spreod beyond the enclosure of origin; PD 7974-4 Detection of fire and activation of fire protection systems; ▪PD 7974-5 Fire service intervention; PD 7974-6 Occupant evacuation behaviour and condition; and ▪PD 7974-7 Probabilistic fre risk assessment. This series of Published Documents are intended to be used in support of BS 7974 but do not represent the only means of satisfying the remendations of the code of practice. Information about this document This Published Document can be used to set specific acceptance criteria and undertake detailed analysis for escape and tenability. It can be used to identify and define one or more fire safety design issues to be addressed using fire safety engineering. This is a fullrevision of the Published Document and introduces the following principal changes. The principal guidance and bibliography have been updated in line with recent developments and publications since 2004. •The data tables in the annexes have been expanded to include more recently published data and bibliography. A full set of expressions has been provided for fractional effective dose calculations with worked examples to illustrate the calculation methods. Use of this document This publication is not to be regarded as a British Standard. As a guide this Published Document takes the form of guidance and remendations. It should not be quoted as ifit were a specification or a code of practice and claims of pliance cannot be made to it. It has been assumed in the preparation of this Published Document that the execution of its provisions will be entrusted to appropriately qualified and experienced people for whose use it has been produced. THE BRITISH STANDARDS INSTITUTION 2019 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED II1
英文原版 PD 7974‑6 2019 消防安全工程原理在建筑设计中的应用 第6部分 人的因素生命安全战略-人员疏散行为和状况.pdf