

Christian HeumannMichael Schomaker Shalabh Introduction to Statistics and Data Analysis WithExercises Solutions and Applications in R Springer
ChristianHeumann-MichaelSchomaker Shalabh Introduction to Statistics andDataAnalysis WithExercises Solutions andApplicationsinR Springer
Christian Heumann Shalabh Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitit Munchen Department of Statistics Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur Department of Mathematics and Statistics Munchen Kanpur India Centre for Infectious Disease Epidemiology Michael Schomaker University of Cape Town and Research Cape Town Soath Africa ISBN 978-3-319-46160-1 ISBN 978-3-319-46162-5 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-31946162-5 Library of Congress Control Number: 2016955516 C Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2016 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher whether the whole or part of the material is concermed specifically the rights of translation reprinting reuse of illustrations recitation beoadcasting reproduction on microtilms or in any other physical way and transmission methodology now known or hereafter developed. or infommation storage and retrieval electronic adaptation puter software or by similar or dissimilar The use of general descriptive names registered names trademarks service marks etc. in this the relevant peotective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. publication does not imply even in the absence of' a specific statement that such names are exempt from book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication. Neither the publisher nor the The publisher the authoes and the editoes are safe to assume that the advice and information im this o ua po peeu o o dsa pdu o ssadymm a soo o so for any emors or omissions that may have been made. Printed on acid-free paper ane azuug q paqnd g ud asuadg s The registered pany is Springer Intermational Publishing AG The registered pany address is: Gewerbestrasse 11 6330 Cham Switzerland
Preface The success of the open-source statistical software *R" has made a significant impact on the teaching and research of statistics in the last decade. Analysing data is now easier and more affordable than ever but choosing the most appropriate sta- tistical methods remains a challenge for many users. To understand and interpret software output it is necessary to engage with the fundamentals of statistics. However many readers do not feel fortable with plicated mathematics. In this book we attempt to find a healthy balance between explaining statistical This book will benefit beginners and self-learners from various backgrounds as we plement each chapter with various exercises and detailed and prehen- sible solutions. The results involving mathematics and rigorous proofs are separated from the main text where possible and are kept in an appendix for interested readers. Our textbook covers material that is generally taught in introductory-level statistics courses to students from various backgrounds including sociology biology economics psychology medicine and others. Most often we introduce the statistical concepts using examples and illustrate the calculations both manually and using R. However while we provide a gentle introduction to R (in the appendix) this is not a software book. Our emphasis lies on explaining statistical concepts correctly and prehensively using exercises and software to delve deeper into the subject matter and learm about the conceptual challenges that the methods present. This book's homepage chris.userweb.mwn.de/book/ contains additional material most notably the software codes needed to answer the software exercises and data sets. In the remainder of this book we will use grey boxes R-mand() R to introduce the relevant R mands. In many cases the code can be directly pasted into R to reproduce the results and graphs presented in the book; in others the code is abbreviated to improve readability and clarity and the detailed code can be found online.





