CVPR2023-AIGC 文献合集(一).zip
└── CVPR2023-AIGC 文献合集(一)
├── 3D相关
│ ├── 3DQD Generalized Deep 3D Shape Prior via Part-Discretized Diffusion Process.pdf
│ ├── Controllable Mesh Generation Through Sparse Latent Point Diffusion Models.pdf
│ ├── GINA-3D.pdf
│ ├── Generative Decoder for MAE Pre-training on LiDAR Point Clouds.pdf
│ ├── Graphics Capsule Learning Hierarchical 3D Face Representations.pdf
│ ├── Learning 3D-aware Image Synthesis with Unknown Pose Distribution.pdf
│ ├── Lift3D.pdf
│ ├── Magic3D High-Resolution Text-to-3D Content Creation.pdf
│ ├── NeuFace Realistic 3D Neural Face Rendering from Multi-view Images.pdf
│ ├── NeuralField-LDM Scene Generation with Hierarchical Latent Diffusion Models.pdf
│ ├── Next3D.pdf
│ ├── SDFusion.pdf
│ ├── SadTalker Learning Realistic 3D Motion Coefficients for Stylized Audio-Driven.pdf
│ ├── Solving 3D Inverse Problems using Pre-trained 2D Diffusion Models.pdf
│ ├── T2M-GPT Generating Human Motion from Textual Descriptions with.pdf
│ └── TAPS3D.pdf
├── GAN可控
│ ├── DeltaEdit.pdf
│ ├── Delving StyleGAN Inversion for Image Editing.pdf
│ └── SIEDOB Semantic Image Editing by Disentangling Object and Background.pdf
├── GAN改进
│ ├── CoralStyleCLIP.pdf
│ ├── Cross-GAN Auditing.pdf
│ ├── Efficient Scale-Invariant Generator with Column-Row Entangled Pixel Synthesis.pdf
│ ├── Fix the Noise Disentangling Source Feature for Transfer Learning of StyleGAN.pdf
│ ├── Improving GAN Training via Feature Space Shrinkage.pdf
│ ├── Look ATME.pdf
│ └── NoisyTwins.pdf
├── deepfake检测
│ └── Detecting and Grounding Multi-Modal Media Manipulation.pdf
├── 发型迁移
│ └── StyleGAN Salon.pdf
├── 对抗攻击
│ ├── Adversarial Attack with Raindrops.pdf
│ └── TrojDiff.pdf
├── 布局生成
│ ├── LayoutDM.pdf
│ ├── LayoutDiffusion.pdf
│ ├── PosterLayout.pdf
│ ├── Unifying Layout Generation with a Decoupled Diffusion Model.pdf
│ └── Unsupervised Domain Adaption with Pixel-level Discriminator.pdf
├── 表征学习
│ └── MAGE.pdf
└── 风格迁移
├── CAP-VSTNet.pdf
├── Inversion-Based Style Transfer with Diffusion Models.pdf
└── Neural Preset for Color Style Transfer.pdf