CVPR2023-AIGC 文献合集(三).zip
└── CVPR2023-AIGC 文献合集(三)
├── Graph Transformer GANs for Graph-Constrained House Generation.pdf
├── HouseDiffusion.pdf
├── Progressive Open Space Expansion for Open-Set Model Attribution.pdf
├── Prototype-based Embedding Network for Scene Graph Generation.pdf
├── Regularized Vector Quantization for Tokenized Image Synthesis.pdf
├── 医学图像
│ ├── High-resolution image reconstruction with latent diffusion models from human.pdf
│ ├── Leveraging GANs for data scarcity of COVID-19.pdf
│ └── Why is the winner the best.pdf
├── 图像修复
│ └── SmartBrush.pdf
├── 图像分割
│ ├── DiGA.pdf
│ ├── Generative Semantic Segmentation.pdf
│ ├── Learning to Generate Text-grounded Mask for.pdf
│ └── Open-Vocabulary Panoptic Segmentation with Text-to-Image Diffusion Models.pdf
├── 图像恢复
│ ├── Bitstream-Corrupted JPEG Images are Restorable.pdf
│ ├── Contrastive Semi-supervised Learning for Underwater Image Restoration via.pdf
│ ├── Efficient and Explicit Modelling of Image Hierarchies for Image Restoration.pdf
│ ├── Generating Aligned Pseudo-Supervision from Non-Aligned Data for.pdf
│ ├── Learning Semantic-Aware Knowledge Guidance for.pdf
│ ├── Refusion.pdf
│ ├── Robust Model-based Face Reconstruction through.pdf
│ └── Robust Unsupervised StyleGAN Image Restoration.pdf
├── 图像超分
│ ├── Activating More Pixels in Image Super-Resolution Transformer.pdf
│ ├── Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models for Robust Image.pdf
│ ├── Implicit Diffusion Models for Continuous Super-Resolution.pdf
│ ├── Perception-Oriented Single Image Super-Resolution using Optimal Objective.pdf
│ ├── Structured Sparsity Learning for Efficient Video Super-Resolution.pdf
│ ├── Super-Resolution Neural Operator.pdf
│ └── Towards High-Quality and Efficient Video Super-Resolution via.pdf
├── 图像转换
│ ├── Few-shot Semantic Image Synthesis with Class Affinity Transfer.pdf
│ ├── Interactive Cartoonization with Controllable Perceptual Factors.pdf
│ ├── LANIT Language-Driven Image-to-Image Translation for Unlabeled Data.pdf
│ ├── LightPainter.pdf
│ ├── Masked and Adaptive Transformer for Exemplar Based Image Translation.pdf
│ └── Picture that Sketch.pdf
├── 域适应-迁移学习
│ ├── Back to the Source.pdf
│ ├── Domain Expansion of Image Generators.pdf
│ └── Zero-shot Generative Model Adaptation via Image-specific Prompt Learning.pdf
├── 字体生成
│ ├── CF-Font Content Fusion for Few-shot Font Generation.pdf
│ └── Handwritten Text Generation from Visual Archetypes.pdf
├── 异常检测
│ └── SQUID Deep Feature In-Painting for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection.pdf
├── 显著性检测
│ ├── Sketch2Saliency.pdf
│ └── Texture-guided Saliency Distilling for Unsupervised Salient Object Detection.pdf
├── 知识蒸馏
│ └── KD-DLGAN Data Limited Image Generation via Knowledge Distillation.pdf
└── 语音相关
├── Conditional Generation of Audio from Video via Foley Analogies.pdf
├── Physics-Driven Diffusion Models for Impact Sound Synthesis from Videos.pdf
└── Sound to Visual Scene Generation by Audio-to-Visual Latent Alignment.pdf