CVPR2023-AIGC 文献合集(二).zip
└── CVPR2023-AIGC 文献合集(二)
├── 人像生成-姿态迁移
│ ├── Person Image Synthesis via Denoising Diffusion Model.pdf
│ └── VGFlow Visibility guided Flow Network for Human Reposing.pdf
├── 人脸相关
│ ├── A Hierarchical Representation Network for Accurate and Detailed Face.pdf
│ ├── Diffusion-based Robust Degradation Remover for Blind Face Restoration.pdf
│ ├── DiffusionRig Learning Personalized Priors for Facial Appearance Editing.pdf
│ ├── SunStage Portrait Reconstruction and Relighting using the Sun as a Light Stage.pdf
│ └── ine-Grained Face Swapping via Regional GAN Inversion.pdf
├── 去雨去模糊
│ ├── Learning A Sparse Transformer Network for Effective Image Deraining.pdf
│ ├── Masked Image Training for Generalizable Deep Image Denoising.pdf
│ └── Uncertainty-Aware Unsupervised Image Deblurring with Deep Residual Prior.pdf
├── 可控文生图
│ ├── Ablating Concepts in Text-to-Image Diffusion Models.pdf
│ ├── DreamBooth.pdf
│ ├── GALIP.pdf
│ ├── Imagic.pdf
│ ├── Multi-Concept Customization of Text-to-Image Diffusion.pdf
│ ├── Scaling up GANs for Text-to-Image Synthesis.pdf
│ ├── Shifted Diffusion for Text-to-image Generation.pdf
│ ├── SpaText Spatio-Textual Representation for Controllable Image Generation.pdf
│ └── Variational Distribution Learning for Unsupervised Text-to-Image Generation.pdf
├── 扩散模型改进
│ ├── All are Worth Words.pdf
│ ├── Towards Practical Plug-and-Play Diffusion Models.pdf
│ └── Wavelet Diffusion Models are fast and scalable Image Generators.pdf
├── 数据增广
│ ├── DCFace.pdf
│ ├── Leveraging GANs for data scarcity of COVID-19.pdf
│ └── Lift3D.pdf
├── 数据集
│ ├── An Image Quality Assessment Dataset for Portraits.pdf
│ ├── CelebV-Text A Large-Scale Facial Text-Video Dataset.pdf
│ ├── Human-Art.pdf
│ └── Uncurated Image-Text Datasets.pdf
├── 目标检测
│ └── Multi-view Adversarial Discriminator.pdf
├── 视图合成
│ ├── Consistent View Synthesis with Pose-Guided Diffusion Models.pdf
│ └── Structural Multiplane Image Bridging Neural View Synthesis and 3D.pdf
├── 视频相关
│ ├── A Dynamic Multi-Scale Voxel Flow Network for Video Prediction.pdf
│ ├── A Unified Pyramid Recurrent Network for Video Frame Interpolation.pdf
│ ├── Conditional Image-to-Video Generation with Latent Flow Diffusion Models.pdf
│ ├── Diffusion Video Autoencoders.pdf
│ ├── Extracting Motion and Appearance via Inter-Frame Attention.pdf
│ ├── MM-Diffusion.pdf
│ ├── MOSO Decomposing MOtion, Scene and Object for Video Prediction.pdf
│ ├── Text-Visual Prompting for Efficient 2D Temporal Video Grounding.pdf
│ ├── Towards End-to-End Generative Modeling of Long Videos.pdf
│ ├── Video Probabilistic Diffusion Models in Projected Latent Space.pdf
│ ├── VideoFusion (2).pdf
│ └── VideoFusion.pdf
└── 说话人生成
├── MetaPortrait Identity-Preserving Talking Head Generation.pdf
└── Seeing What You Said Talking Face Generation Guided.pdf