BS EN ISO-13849-1-2015 控制系统中与安全有关的部件 第1部分 设计的一般原则 英文版.pdf


BSENISO13849-1:2015 CZ BSIStandardsPublication 10 UniversityofExeter Versioncorrect Safety of machinery - Safety- related parts of control systems Part 1: General principles for design Licensed copy:UniversityofExeter bsi. ..making excellence a habit
BSENISO13849-1:2015 ENISO13849-1:2015(E) AnnexZA (informative) RelationshipbetweenthisEuropeanStandardand theEssentialRequirementsofEUDirective2006/42/EC 5/2018 25/05/ ThisEuropeanStandardhasbeenprepared under a mandate given to CENby the European Commission and the European Free TradeAssociation toprovidea means of conforming to Essential Requirementsof theNewApproachDirectiveMachinery2006/42/EC. se Once this standard is cited in the Official Journal of the European Union under that Directive andhas beenimplementedasanationalstandard inatleastoneMemberState pliancewith thenormative correct clauses of this standard confers within thelimits of the scope of this standard a presumption of conformity with EssentialRequirements 1.2.1 of AnnexIof that Directive and associated EFTA regulations. Version WARNING-Otherrequirements and other EU Directives maybeapplicable to the product(s)falling within the scope of thisstandard. Exeter 10 University Exeter Licensed copy:University ofE
BSENISO13849-1:2015 ISO 13849-1:2015(E) Contents Page Foreword. V Introduction. vi 1 Scope 1 8 2 5/201 Normativereferences 1 3 Terms definitions symbols andabbreviated terms. 2 /50/9 3.1 Terms and definitions.. 2 3.2 Symbols and abbreviated terms. 7 Design considerations. 9 4.1 Safety objectivesindesign. .9 4.2 Strategy forrisk reduction.. 11 correct 4.2.1 General. 11 4.2.2 Contribution to theriskreductionby thecontrol system. 11 4.3 Determinationofrequired performancelevel(PLr) 13 Version 4.4 Design of SRP/CS 14 4.5 Evaluationof the achievedperformancelevelPLandrelationshipwithSIL. 15 4.5.1 Performancelevel PL 15 4.5.2 Mean time to dangerous failure of each channel (MTTFD) 16 Exeter 4.5.3 Diagnosticcoverage(DC). 17 4.5.4 Simplified procedure for estimating the quantifiable aspects of PL. 17 4.5.5 Descriptionof theoutput partof theSRP/Csbycategory. 19 4.6 Software safetyrequirements.. 20 4.6.1 General. University 20 4.6.2 Safety-related embedded software(SRESW) 21 4.6.3 Safety-related application software (SRASW) 22 4.6.4 Software-basedparameterization. 24 4.7 Verification that achieved PLmeets PL Ergonomic aspects of design -25 4.8 26 Exeter Safetyfunctions. 26 5.1 Specification of safetyfunctions. 26 5.2 Details of safety functions. 28 5.2.1 Safety-relatedstopfunction. 28 University 5.2.2 Manual resetfunction.. 29 5.2.3 Start/restartfunction. 29 5.2.4 Local control function.. 30 5.2.5 Muting function. 30 5.2.6 Response time. 30 copy: 5.2.7 Safety-related parameters. 30 5.2.8 Fluctuations loss andrestoration of power sources. 30 Licensed Categories and theirrelation toMTTFp ofeachchannel DCavgand CCF. 31 6.1 General. 31 6.2 Specifications of categories.. 31 6.2.1 General. 31 6.2.2 Designated architectures 32 6.2.3 Category B. 32 6.2.4 Category 1. 33 6.2.5 Category 2. 34 6.2.6 Category 3. 35 6.2.7 Category4. 36 6.3 Combination of SRP/CS to achieve overallPL 38 Faultconsideration fault exclusion. 40 7.1 General. 40 7.2 Fault consideration. 40 ISO 2015 - All rights reserved
BSENISO13849-1:2015 ISO13849-1:2015(E) 7.3 Fault exclusion. 40 8 Validation. 40 9 Maintenance. 40 10 Technical documentation. 41 11 Informationforuse. 41 /201 8 AnnexA(informative)Determinationofrequiredperformancelevel(PLr) 43 AnnexB(informative)Blockmethodandsafety-relatedblockdiagram. 47 Annex C(informative)Calculating or evaluatingMTTFpvaluesfor singleponents. 49 5 Annex D(informative)Simplifiedmethod forestimatingMTTFpforeachchannel. 56 Annex E(informative)Estimatesfor diagnostic coverage(Dc)forfunctions and modules. 58 correct AnnexF(informative)Estimatesformoncausefailure(CCF) 61 AnnexG(informative)Systematicfailure. 63 AnnexH(informative)Exampleofbinationofseveralsafety-relatedpartsof the Version control system. 66 AnnexI(informative)Examples 69 AnnexJ(informative)Software. 76 Exeter AnnexK(informative)Numericalrepresentation ofFigure5 79 Bibliography. 84 University of Licensed copy: University of Exeter IV @ ISO 2015 - All rights reserved
BSENISO13849-1:2015 ISO 13849-1:2015(E) Foreword bodies(Iso memberbodies).Thework of preparingInternational Standardsis normally carried out throughIso technical mittees.Each memberbodyinterested ina subjectforwhich a technical mittee has been established hastheright tobe representedon that mittee.International of25/05/2018 ISOcollaborates closelywith theInternational Electrotechnical Commission(IEC)on allmattersof electrotechnicalstandardization. Theprocedures used to develop this document and those intended for itsfurther maintenance are described in theISO/IECDirectives Part1.In particular the different approval criterianeededforthe differenttypesof Isodocumentsshouldbenoted.Thisdocumentwasdraftedinaccordancewiththe Versioncorrectas editorialrules of theISO/IECDirectives Part2( Attentionisdrawn to thepossibility that someof theelements of this documentmaybethesubject of anypatentrightsidentifiedduringthedevelopment of thedocumentwillbeintheIntroductionand/or ontheIsolistof patentdeclarationsreceived( Any tradename used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement. University of Exeter For an explanation on the meaningofIsospecific terms and expressions related to conformity assessment as well as information about ISO's adherence to the WTo principles in the Technical BarrierstoTrade(TBT)seethefollowingURL:Foreword-Supplementaryinformation The mitteeresponsibleforthisdocumentisISo/TC199 Safety ofmachinery. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition(Is0 13849-1:2006) which has been technicallyrevised.It also incorporatesTechnical Corrigendum ISO13849-1:2006/Cor1:2009.Changes fromthepreviouseditioninclude Exeter deletionof theformerTable1from theIntroduction updating and addition of normativereferences copy:University of E modificationof thedefinitionsof termshazardoussituation andhighdemandorcontinuousmode additionofanewtermanddefinition proveninuse, editorial butnot technical modification ofFigure1 aewsubclause 45.5aswellasmodificationstoexistingsectionsincludingtheannexessubstantal modificationofAnnexCand anentirelynewAnnexI. Licensed ISO13849 consists of thefollowing partsunderthe generaltitle Safety ofmachinery-Safety-related parts ofcontrol systems: -Part1:Generalprinciplesfordesign Part2:Validation ISO 2015 - All rights reserved





