ISO 19650-1-2018利用建筑信息模型的信息管理-概念和原则(英文版).pdf


INTERNATIONAL ISO STANDARD 19650-1 First edition 2018-12 Organizationanddigitizationof informationaboutbuildingsandcivil engineeringworks including building information modelling (BIM)- Informationmanagementusing buildinginformationmodelling Part 1: Conceptsandprinciples Organisationetnumerisationdesinformationsrelativesaux batiments et ouvrages degenie civilyprismodelisation des informationsdelaconstruction(BIM)-Gestiondel'informationpar lamodelisationdesinformationsdelaconstruction- Partie1:Concepts et principes Reference number ISO 19650-1:2018(E) ISO 2018 No ne
ISO 19650-1:2018(E) COPYRIGHTPROTECTEDDOCUMENT ISO 2018 All rightreservedlesstherwiespecifiedrrequiredinthecontextfitsmlementatinnpatfthispulicatinmay bereproducedorutilizedotherwiseinanyformorbyanymeanslectronicormechanicalincludingphtocopyingorpostng on the internet or anintranet without prior written permission.Permission can be requested from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright office CP401Ch.deBlandonnet 8 CH-1214 Vernier Geneva Phone: 41 22 749 01 11 Fax: 41 22 749 09 47 Email: Website: Published in Switzerland i nal Orge ISO 2018 All rights reserved with ANSI
ISO 19650-1:2018(E) Contents Page Foreword. .V Introduction. vi 1 Scope. 1 2 Normativereferences. 1 3 Terms and definitions. 1 3.1 General terms. 1 3.2 Terms related to assets and projects 2 3.3 Terms related to information management. 3 Assetandprojectinformation perspectivesandcollaborativeworking 6 4.1 Principles. 6 4.2 Information management according to the ISO19650 series. 6 4.3 Information management perspectives. 7 5 Definition of information requirements and resulting informationmodels. 8 5.1 Principles. .8 5.2 Organizational information requirements(OIR) 10 5.3 Asset information requirements (AIR) 10 5.4 Project information requirements (PIR) 10 5.5 Exchange information requirements (EIR). 10 5.6 Asset information model (AIM) 11 5.7 Project information model (PIM). 11 6 Theinformation delivery cycle. 11 6.1 Principles 11 6.2 Alignment withthe asset life cycle 11 6.3 Setting informationrequirements and planningforinformation delivery 13 6.3.1 General principles. 13 6.3.2 Delivery teamprovidesinformationforasset owner/operatoror client decisions. 15 6.3.3 Information verification and validation at start and end of projectstages. 15 6.3.4 Informationis drawnfrom the whole delivery team 16 6.3.5 Summaryofinformationdeliveryfromproject andassetdeliveryteams. 17 Projectand asset informationmanagement functions. 18 7.1 Principles. 18 7.2 Asset informationmanagementfunctions. 19 7.3 Project informationmanagement functions. 19 7.4 Task information management functions. 19 8 Delivery team capability and capacity. 20 8.1 Principles. 20 8.2 Extent of capability andcapacityreview.. 20 9 Information container-based collaborative working 20 10 Information delivery planning 21 10.1 Principles. 21 10.2 Timingofinformationdelivery. 21 10.3 Responsibility matrix. 22 10.4 Definingthefederationstrategyandbreakdownstructureforinformationcontainers..2 11 Managingthecollaborative production of information. 23 11.1 Principles. 23 11.2 Level of information need. 23 11.3 Information quality. 23 12 Common data environment(CDE)solutionandworkflow 24 ii No:ng
ISO 19650-1:2018(E) 12.1 Principles. 24 12.2 Thework in progress state. 25 12.3 Thecheck/review/approvetransition.. 25 12.4 The shared state. 25 12.5 Thereview/authorizetransition. 26 12.6 The published state. 26 12.7 The archive state. 26 13 Annex A(informative) Illustrations of federation strategies and information container breakdownstructures. 30 Bibliography. 34 iy aion for Stano ISO 2018 All rights reserved ith ANSI 8 18:14:05 MST
ISO 19650-1:2018(E) Foreword bodies (IsO member bodies).The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out throughISo technical mittees.Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical mitte has been established has the right to be represented on that mittee.International organizations governmental and non-governmental in liaison with ISo also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnicalstandardization. The procedures used to develop this document and those intended for its further maintenance are different types of ISo documents should be noted.This document was drafted in accordance with the editorial rules of the ISo/IEC Directives Part 2 (see on the ISo list of patent declarations received (see Any trade name used in this document is information given for the convenience of users and does not constitute an endorsement. For an explanation of the voluntary nature of standards the meaning of ISOspecific terms and expressionsrelated to conformity assessment as well as information about ISO's adherence to the org/iso/foreword.html. Thisdocument waspreparedbyTechnicalCommitteeISo/TC59 Buildings and civilengineeringworks SC13 Organization and digitization of information about buildings and civilengineering works including building information modelling (BIM). A list of all parts in the ISO 19650 series can be found on the ISO website. plete listing of these bodies can be found at Not tr Resal 12152018 18:14:05MST





