with internatially mognized principles on standardiation estahbibed in he Decibio on Principles for the 100 mndatios isd by the World Trade Organizatin Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Cmmitte. Designation:A370-19 StandardTestMethodsandDefinitionsfor Mechanical TestingofSteelProducts' This sundard is issued under the fised designtion A370; the number immediately following the designatioe indicnes the year of origind friarf lastsric h rltrl superscript cpsilon (e) indicates an odiorial change since the last revision or reappronal. This sdd hes been apprmd for ase by agncies ef rhe US. Depurmeet ef Defs. 1. Scope* 1.5 When this document is referenced in a metric product 1.1These test methods² cover procedures and definitions specificationth yieldandtensile valesmaybedetminedn for the mechanical testing of steels stainless steels and related inch-pound (ksi) units then converted into SI (MPa) units. The alloys. The various mechanical tests herein described are used elongation determined in inch-pound gauge lengthsof 2or to determine properties required in the product specifications. 8 in.may be reported in SI unit gauge lengths of 50 or 200 mm Variations in testing methods are to be avoided and standard respectivelyasapplicablConverselywhenthisdocumn methods of testing are to be followed to obtain reproducible referenced in an inch-pound product specification the yield and parable results. In those cases in which the testing and tensile values may be determined in SI units then con- requirements for certain products are unique or at variance with verted into inch-pound units. The elongation determined in SI these general procedures the product specification testing unit gauge lengths of 50 or 200 mm may be reported in requirements shall control. inch-pound gauge lengths of 2 or 8in. respectively. as 1.2 The following mechanical tests are described: applicable. 1.5.1 The specimen used to determine the original units Tension Sections must conform to the applicable tolerances of the original unit Bend 6 to 14 15 system given in the dimension table not that of the converted Hardness 16 tolerance dimensions. Brnel 17 Rocwell Portable 18 NorE 1This is due to the specimen SI dimensions and tolerances Impact 20t30 19 being hard conversions when this is not a dual standard. The user is Keywords directed to Test Methods A1058 if the tests are required in SI units. 1.3 Annexes covering details peculiar to certain products 32 1.6 Attention is directed to ISO/IEC 17025 when there may are appended to these test methods as follows: beaneed for information on criteria forevaluation of testing Annex laboratories. Bar Products Arnex A1 1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the Tubular Products Arnex A2 safety concerns if any. associated with its use.lt is the Fasteners Round Wire Products Arnex A3 Aenex A4 responrsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- Significance of Notched-Bar Impact Testing Arnex A5 priate safery health and ervironmental practices and deter- ConveringPercentage Elongation of Round Specimens to Equivalents for Flat Specimens Annex A6 mine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use. Testing Muls-Wire Stand Aenex A7 1.8 This intermational standard was developed in accor- Rounding of Test Data Arnex A8 dance with intermationally recognized principles on standard- Methods forTesting Steel Reinforcing Bars Procedure for Use and Control of Heat- Cycle Simulation Arnex A10 Arnex A9 ization established in the Decision on Principles for the 1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded Development of Intermational Standards Guides and Re- as the standard. mendations issued by the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) Conmittee. 2.Referenced Documents These tes methods and dfinitioms are uder the jorisdiction of ASTM 2.1ASTM Standards:3 Commime A01 on Stel Stainls Stoel and Related Alloys and are the direct A623 Specification forTinMill Products General Require Processing Methods of Sael Prodacts and Proceses. responsibity of Submmitee AO1.13 Mechanical and Chmical Testing and ments in 1953 Last previous elition approved in 2018 as A370 18. DOl: 10.1520/ Cue diiaJly 1.2019.Pisdly2019illyd For refered ASTM standands viit the ASTM website .astmorg. or A0370-19. For ASM Boiler Prer esl Codr applications see relatd Spif- Shundonds volume infoemation refer to the standand’s Document Summary page en contact ASTM Castomer Servicc at service@ astm.org. For Aouol Bool ef AST cation SA-370 in Section Il of that Code. the ASTM website. *A Summary of Changes section appears at the end of this standard 2
A370-19 A623M Specification for Tin Mill Products. General Re 3.1.3 Some material specifications require the use of addi- quirements [Metric] tional test methods not described herein: in such cases the A833Test Method for Indentation Hardness of Metallie required test method is described in that material specification A956/A956MTest Method for Leeb Hardness Testing of Materials by Comparison Hardness Testers or by reference to another appropriate test method standard. 3.2 These test methods are also suitable to be used for Steel Products A1038 Test Method for Portable Hardness Testing by the testing of stcel stainless steel and related alloy materials for Ultrasonic Contact Impedance Method other purposes such as ining material acceptance testing A1058Test Methods for Mechanical Testing of Steel by the purchaser or evaluation of ponents after service ProductsMetric exposure. A1061/A1061MTestMethods forTestingMulti-WireSteel 3.2.1As with anymechanical testing deviations from ither Prestressing Strand specification limits or expected as-manufactured properties can E4 Practices for Force Verification of Testing Machines occur for valid reasons besides deficiency of the original E6 Terminology Relating to Methods of Mechanical Testing limited to:subsequentservice degradationfromenvironmental as-fabricated product.These reasons include. but are not E8/E8M Test Methods for Tension Testing of Metallie Ma- terials exposure (for example temperature corrosion); static or cyclic E10 Test Method for Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials service trestshaillnce mgem E18Test Methods for Rockwell Hardness ofMetallic Ma- inhomogeneity. anisotropic structure natural aging of select terials alloys further processing not inluded n the secification E23Test Methods for Notched Bar Impact Testing of Me- sampling limitations and measuring cquipment calibration tallie Materials uncertainty. There is statistical variation in all aspects of E29 Practice for Using Significnnt Digits in Test Data to mechanical testing and variations in test results from prior tests Determine Conformance with Specifications are expeted. An understanding of possible reasons for devia E83 Practice for Verification and Classifieation of Exten- tion from specified or expected test values should be applied in someter Systems interpretation of test results. El10Test Method for Rockwell and Brinell Hardness of Metallic Materials by Porable Hardness Testers 4. General Precautions E190TestMethod for GuidedBendTest forDucility of 4.1 Certain methods of fabrication such as bending. Welds forming and welding or operations involving heating may E290 Test Methods for Bend Testing of Material forDuctil- affect the propetiesof thematerial dertestThreforeh ity mechanical testing is tobe perfomedThe propertiesshownby product specifications cover the stage of manufacture at which 2.2ASME Document: ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section VIL. testing prior to fabrication may not necessarily be representa- Division I. Part UG-8 tive of the product after it has been pletely fabricated. 2.3 ISO Standard: 4.2 Improperly machined specimens should be discarded ISO/EC17025General Requirements for the Competence and other specimens substituted. ofTestingand Calibration Laboratories 4.3 Flaws in the specimen may also affet results. If any test 3. Significance and Use specimen develops flaws the retest provision of the applicable 3.1 The primary use of these test methods is testing to product specification shall govem. determine the specified mechanical properties of steel stainless 4.4 If any test specimen fails because of mechanical reasons steel and related alloy products for the evaluation of confor- such as failure of testing equipmem or improper specimen mance of such products to a material specification under the preparation it may be discarded and another specimen taken. jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 and its submittees as 5. Orientation of Test Specimens oo so sapo send e ui sasnd e q pis 3.1.1 These test methods may be and are used by other 5.1 The terms “longitudinal test”" and “transverse test” are ASTM Committees and other standards writing bodies for the used only in material specifications for wrought products and purpose of conformance testing. are not applicable to castings. When such reference is made o 3.1.2 The material condition at the time of testing sampling atestcouponortest pecimnthfollowing definitions appl: frequency. specimen location and orientation reporting 5.1.1 Longirudinal Test unless specifically defined requirements and other test parameters are contained in the otherwise signifies that the lengthwise axis of the specimen is pertinent material specification or in a General Requirement parallel to the direction of the greatest cxtension of the steel Specification for the particular product form. during rolling or forging. The stress applied to a longitudinal tension test specimen is in the direction of the greatest extension and the axis of the fold of a longitudinal bend test 06-91001y 0m o * Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) ASME specimen is at right angles to the direction of greatest extension (Fig. 1 Fig. 2a and Fig. 2b). * Available from American Nazional Stundards Institue (ANSt) 25 W. 43d St. 5.1.2 Tramsverse Test unless specifically defined otherwise Floot New York NY 10036 hpo/ signifies that the lengthwise axis of the specimen is at right 2
A370-19 7.Terminology sn us o d sn jo sp 1 including tensile strength yield point yield strength elongation and reduction of area rference should be made o Terminology E6. 8. Testing Apparatus and Operations 8.1Loading SystemsThere are wo general types of load- differ chifly in the variability of the rate of load application. ing systems mechanical (screw power) and hydraulic. These MPACT TIST The older screw power machines are limited to a smallnumber of fixed free running crosshead speeds. Some moderm screw SION TEST power machines and all hydraulic machines permit stepless variation throughout the range of speeds. 8.2 The tension testing machine shall be maintained in good operating conditon usd only n the proper loading range and calibrated periodically in accordance with the latest revision of 1S3L DV6 Practices E4. FIG. 1 Relation of Test Coupons and Test Specimens to Rolling Direction or Extension (Applicable to General Wrought Products) Nor 2Many machines are equipped with stress-strain reconders for autographic ploting f stresstrain curves. It shold be notd that some recorders have a load measuring ponent entirely sepurate from the load indicator of the testing machine. Such rocorders arc calibrated separasely. angles to the direction of the greatest extension of the steel 8.3 LoadingIt is the function of the gripping or holding e s a device of the testing machine to transmit the load from the tension test specimen is at right angles to the greatest heads of the machine to the specimen under test. The essential cxtension and the axis of the fold of a transverse bend test requirement is that the load shall be transmitted axially. This specimen is parallel to the greatest extension (Fig. 1). implies that the centers of the action of the grips shall be in 5.2 The temms “radial test” and “tangential test” are used in alignment insofar as practicable with the axis of the specimen at the beginning and during the test and that bending or material specifications for some wrought circular products and are not applicable to castings. When such reference is made to twisting be held to a minimum. For specimens with a reduced sectionrippingof th secimen hallberestrited t thr atest coupnor est specimenthefollowing definitions apl: section. In the case of certain sections tested in full size 5.2.1 Radial Tes unless specifically defined otherwise nonaxial loading is unavoidable and in such cases shall be signifies that the lengthwise axis of the specimen is perpen- permissible. dicular to the axis of the product and coincident with one of the radi of a circle drawn with a point on the axis of the product 8.4 Speed of TestingThe speed of testing shall not be greater than that at which load and strain readings can be made as a center (Fig. 2a). accurately. In production testing speed of testing is monly 5.2.2Tangenrial Test unless specifically defined otherwise expressed: (1) in terms of free running crosshead speed (rate of signifies that the lengthwise axis of the specimen is perpen- movement of the crosshead of the testing machine when not dicular to a plane containing theaxis of the product and tangent under load) (2) in terms of rate of separation of the two heads to a cirele drawn with a point on the axis of the product as a of the testing machine under load (3) in terms of rate of center (Fig. 2a Fig. 2b Fig. 2c and Fig. 2d). stressing the specimen or (4) in terms of rate of straining the specimen.The following limitations on the speedof testing are TENSION TEST remended as adequate for most steel products: 6.Deseription Nore 3Tension tests using clksed-loop machines (with feedback control of rate) should not be perfomed using load control as this mode 6.1 The tension test related to the mechanical testing of steel of testing will result in aceleration of the crosshead upon yielding and products subjects a machined or full-section specimen of the clevation of the measured yicld strength. material under examination to a mcasured load sufficient to 8.4.1 Any convenient speed of testing may be used up to cause rupture. The resulting properties sought are defined in one half thepecifiedyield point oryeld strength.Whn this Terminology E6. point is reached the fre-running rate of searation of the 6.2 In general the testing equipment and methods are given crossheads shall be adjusted so as not to exceed Vo in. per min perinchofreduced sctionrthedistance etween thegips in Test Methods E8/E8M. However there are certain excep- for test specimens not having reduced sections. This speed tions to Test Methods E8/E8M practices in the testing of steel shall be maintained through the yield point or yield strength. In and these are covered in these test methods. determining the tensile strength the free-running rate of M
A370-19 gential Prolongation Prolongation Longitudinal Test Radial Test (a) Shafts and Rotors Prolongation Tangential Test Longitudinal Test (b) Hollow Forgings Tangential Test Tangential Test (c) Disk Forgings Prolongation Tangentiaf Test (d) Ring Forgings Tangential Test FIG. 2 Location of Longitudinal Tension Test Specimens in Rings Cut from Tubular Products separation of the heads shall not exceed in. per min per inch However the minimum rate of sressing shall not be Iess than ofreducd section or the distance between the grips for test 10 000 psi (70 MPa)/min. specimens not having reduced sections. In any event the minimum speed of testing shall not be less than Vio the 9.Test Specimen Parameters specified maximum rates for determining yield point or yield 9.1 SelectionTest coupons shall be selected in accordance strength and tensile strength. with the applicable product specifications. 8.4.2 It shall be permissible to set the speed of the testing 9.1.1 Wroughr SteelsWrought steel products are usually machine by adjusting the free running crosshead speed to the tested in the longitudinal direction but in some cases where above specified values inasmuch as the rate of separation of size permits and the service justifies it testing is in the heads under load at these machine settings is less than the transverse radial or tangential directions (see Figs. 1 and 2). specified values of free running crosshead speed. 9.1.2 Forged SteelsFor open die forgings.the metal for 8.4.3 As an altemative if the machine is equipped with a tension testing is usually provided by allowing extensions or device to indicate the rate of loading. the speed of the machine prolongations on one or both ends of the forgings either on all from half the specified yield point or yield strength through the or a representative umber as provided by the applicable yield point or yield strength may be adjusted so that the rate of product specifications Test specimens are normally taken at stressing does not exceed 100 000 psi (690 MPa)/min. mid-radius. Certain product specifications permit the use of a 4
A370-19 representative bar or the destruction of a production part for 10. Plate-Type Specimens test purposes. For ring or disk-like forgings test metal is provided by increasing the diameter thickness or length of the 10.1 The standard plate-type test specimens are shown in forging. Upset disk or ring forgings which are worked or Fig. 3. Such specimens are used for testing metallic materials extended by forging in a direction perpendicular to the axis of in the form of plate structural and bar-size shapes and flat the forging. usually have their principal extension along material having a nominal thickness of /is in. (5 mm) or over. concentric cireles and for such forgings tangential tension -ds o sod o ud os suoedspod u specimens are obtained from extra metal on the periphery or mens may be used. cnd of the forgingFor somefogingssuchasrotorsrail Nore 4When called for in the product specification the 8-in. tension tests are required. In such cases the specimens are cut (200-mm) gauge length secimen of Fig. 3 may be used for sheet and srip or trepanned from specified locations. material. 9.2 Size and Tolerances-Test specimens shall be (I) the 11. Sheet-Type Specimen dmensions shown n Figs.3-6.The selection of size and type full cross section of material or (2) machined to the form and 11.1 The standard shet-type test specimen is shown in Fig. of specimen is prescribed by the applicable produet specifica- 3. This spccimen is used for testing metallic materials in the tion. Full cross section specimens shall be tested in 8-in. fom of sht plat at wire stp n nd p rangin (200-mm) gauge length unless otherwise specifed in the nominal thickness from 0.005 to 1 in. (0.13 to 25 mm). When product specification. sosodss be used as provided in Section 10 (see Note 4). 9.3 Procurement of Test SpecimensSpecimens shall be extracted by any convenient method taking care to remove all 12. Round Specimens distorted cold-worked or heat-affected areas from the edges of the section used in evaluating the material. Specimens usually 12.1 The standard 0.500-in. (12.5-mm) diameter round test have a reduced cross section at mid-length to ensure uniform specimen shown inFig. 4is frequently used fortesting metallic distribution of the stress over the cross section and localize the materials. zone of fracture. 12.2 Fig. 4 also shows small size specimens proportional o 9.4 Aging of Test SpecimensUnless otherwise specified it the standard specimen. These may be used when it is necessary shall be permissible to age tension test specimens. The time- to test material from which the standard specimen or specimens temperature cycle employed must be such that the effects of u so szisoamd qoo o previous processing will not be materially changed. It may be specimens may be used. In any such small size specimen it is acplished by aging at room temperature 24 to 48 h or in oso e o shorter time at moderately elevated temperatures by boiling in be four times the diameter of the specimen (see Note 5 Fig. 4). water heating in oil or in an oven. 12.3 The type of specimen ends otside of the gauge length 9.5 Measurement of Dinensions of Test Specimens: shall acmodate the shape of the product tested and shall 9.5.1 Standard Rectangular Tension Test SpecimensThese properlyfit theholers or gripsof th testing machn so tht forms of specimens are shown in Fig. 3. To determine the axial loads are applied with a minimum of load eccentricity and cross-sectional area the center width dimension shall be slippage. Fig. 5 shows specimens with various types of ends measured to the nearest 0.005 in. (0.13 mm) for the 8-in. that have given satisfactory results. the 2-in (50-mm) gauge length specmen in Fig.3. The center (200-mm) gauge length specimen and 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) for 13. Gauge Marks thickness dimension shall be measured to the nearest 0.001 in. 13.1 The specimens shown in Figs. 3-6 shall be gauge for both specimens. marked with a center puch cribe arks multiple device r 9.5.2 Standard Round Tension Test SpecimensThese drawn with ink. The purpose of these gauge marks is to forms of specimens are shown in Fig. 4 and Fig. 5. To determine the percent elongation. Punch marks shall be light determine the cross-sectional area the diameter shall be sharp and accurately spaced The localization of stress at the measured at the center of the gauge length to the nearest marks makes a hard specimen susceptible to starting fracture at 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) (see Table 1). the punch marks. The gauge marks for measuring clongation 9.6 GeneralTest specimens shall be either substantially after fracture shall be made on the flat or on the edge of the flat full size or machined as presribed in the product pecifca tension test specimen and within the parallel section: for the 8in.gauge length pecimenFig3neormore sets of m. tions for the material being tested. gaugemarkmay beusedintediatemarks witin th gauge 9.6.1 It is desirable to have the cross-sectional area of the length being optional. Rectangular 2-in.gauge length specimen smallest at the center of the gauge length to ensure specimens Fig.3.and round speimens.Fig.4 are gauge fracture within the gauge length. This is provided for by the marked with a double-pointed center punch or scribe marks. described in the following sections. taper in the gauge length permitted for cach of the specimens One ormore sets of gauge marks may be used: however one set must be approximately centered in the reduced section. 9.6.2 For brittle materials it is desirable to have fillets of These same precautions shall be observed when the test large radius at the ends of the gauge length. specimen is full section. 5
ASTM A370-2019 钢制品力学性能的标准试验方法(英文版).pdf