tahlardtzatie establhed in the Decio on Principles for he Designation:D1056-20 StandardSpecificationfor FlexibleCellularMaterials-SpongeorExpandedRubber12 This stanad is i nder te fisd designati D56; the mumber mmdiatly fllowng the designation indictes the year f originl din ot i e case of revisi th ar of lst visi Ar in ph inics e ya f lst pal. superscipt psiln () indicates an ediial change since the last revisin or rppral. This st h b ard fr se by ie f e US. Dep f Dee. 1. Scopea stndard toesablishappropriate sfery helhndeviro 1.1 This specification covers flexible cellular rubber prod- mental practices and determine the applicabiliry of regulatory ucts known as sponge rubber and expanded rubber but does linitations prior to use. notapplytolatexfoamrubber orbonite cellularrubberTh base material for an open/closed cellular product may be made Nom: 1ISO 6916-1 is similar to this specification. of synthetic natural or reclaimed rubber or a mixture and 1.6 This international stondard was developed in accor- may contain other polymers or chemicals or both which may dance with intermationally recognized principles on standard- be modified by organic or inorganic additives. These elasto- ization established in the Decision on Principles for the meric materials have properties similar to those of vulcanized Development of Intemational Standards Guides and Re- rubber namely (1) the ability to be converted from a thermo- mendarions issued by the Worid Trade Organization Technical plastic to a thermosetting state by crosslinking (vulcanization) Barriers to Trade (TBT) Committee. or (2) the substantial recovery of their original shapes when 2.Referenced Documents strained or elongated or both. 1.2 Extruded or molded shapes of sizes too small for cutting 2.1ASTM Standards D395 Test Methods for Rubber PropertyCompression Set standard test specimens are difficult to classify or test by these D412 Test Methods for Vulcanized Rubber and Thermoplas- methods and will usually require special testing procedures. D471Test Method for Rubber PropertyEfect of Liquids tic Elastomers-Tension 1.3 In case of confict between the provisions of this general specification and those of detailed specifications or test meth- D573 Test Method for RubberDeterioration in an Air ods for a particular product the latter shall take precedence. D575Test Methods for Rubber Properties in Compression Oven Reference to the test methods in this specification should specifically state the particular test or tests desired. D624 Test Method for Tear Strength of Conventional Vul- 1.4 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded canized Rubber and Thermoplastic Elastomers as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical D832 Practice for Rubber Conditioning For Low Tempera- conversions to SI units that are provided for information only ture Testing and are not considered standard. D883 Terminology Relating to Plastis 1.5 The following safety hazards caveat pertains only to the D1171 Test Method for Rubber Deterioration-Surface test methods portions of this specification: Ttis standard does Ozone Cracking Outdoors (Triangular Specimens) not purport to address all of the safety concers.if any D2632 Test Method for Rubber PropertyResilience by Vertical Rebound associated with its use.It is the responsibiliry of the user of this D3182 Practice for RubberMaterials Equipment and Pro- cedures for Mixing Standard Compounds and Preparing Standard Vulcanized Sheets Plasics and is the diretrespoibility of Subomiee D20.22 on Cellar This specifcatin is ander the jarisdictios of ASTM Commitee D20 on D3183 Practice for RubberPreparation of Pieces for Test Materials - Plastics and Elastomers. Purposes from Products This standad has bees aprod for use by aeniesof the Deren of D5132 Test Method for Horizontal Burming Rate of Poly- Defemse to replace Methods 12001 12005 12011 12021 12031 12041 12151 and 12411 of Federal Test Method Standand No. 601. meric Materials Used in Occupant Compartments of This standad hs bes approed for use by agencies of the Deparmet of Motor Vehicles Defense to relace MILSTD-670 and MILSTD-C 3133 wich were distid in 1986. Cumet elition apprved Oet. 1. 2020. Published November 2020. Originally For referenced ASTM standarnds visit e ASTM webite .astmorg or approved in 1949 Lat previoes edition approvd in 2014 as D1056 - 14. D0l: 10.1520/D1056-20. contact ASTM Customer Service at servicellastm.org. For Anmmal Bool ef AS7M ds udd s Sund vole infomtion rfer o te stadand’s Docmt Sumry pge on the ASTM website. *A Summary of Changes setion appears at the end of this standard Copyrigt O ASTM irtematonal 100 Baer Hatbor Dnve PO Box C70 West Consihchocken PA 19428-2959. Unie Suates
D1056-20 E456 Terminology Relating to Quality and Statistics thickness of added skin required. Products subject to abrasion E2935 Practice for Conducting Equivalence Tests for Com- or open-cell (sponge) rubber that must withstand absorption of paring Testing Processes water or transmission of gases will ordinarily require an 2.2 ISO Standard: applied skin coting.Closedcll(expanded)rubbrdoesnot ISO 6916-1 Flexible Cellular Polymeric Materials: Sponge usually require an added skin for these reasons. and Expanded Cellular Rubber Products-Specification 3.2.8spongebbercellularrubberconsisting predomi Part 1 Sheet nantly of open cells made from a solid rubber pound. 3. Terminology 4. Classification (Types Classes and Grades) 3.1 DefinirionsTerms used in this standard are defined in accordance with Terminology D883 unless otherwise speci- 4.1 TypesThese specifications cover two types of cellular fied. For terms relating to precision and bias and associated rubber designated by the prefix numbers 1 and 2. issues the terms used in this standard are defined in accordance 4.1.1 Type /Open-cell rubber. with Terminology E456. 4.1.2 Type 2Closed-cell rubber. 4.1.3 See Section 3 for definitions of open and closed cell. 3.2.1 cellalar materila generic term for materials 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard: 4.2 ClassesBoth types are divided into four classs des- containing many cells (either open or closed or both) dispersed ignated by the letters A B C and D added to the number throughout the mass. prefix. Basic requirements for classes are found in Tables 1 and 3.2.2 closed cell na product whose cells are totally 2. 4.2.1 Class ACellular rubber made from synthetic rubber enclosed by its walls and hence not interconnecting with other natural rubber reclaimed rubber or rubber-like materials cells. alone or in bination where specific resistance to the action 3.2.3 expanded rubber ncellular rubber having closed of petroleum base oils is not required. cells made from a solid rubber pound. 4.2.2Class BCellularrubbermade from synthetic rubber 3.2.4 flexible celar materiala celular polymer that or rubber-like materials alone or in bination having will not visibly rupture within a specified time when a specific requirements for oil resistance with low mass change. 081p ( ) pe q s s 4.2.3 Class CCellular rubber made from synthetic rubber degrees within an agreed upon period of time and at a or rubber-like materials alone or in bination having predetermined temperature. specific requirements for oil resistance with medium mass 3.2.5 open cell na product whose cells are not totally change. enclosed by its walls and open to the surface either directly or 4.2.4 Class DCellular rubber made from synthetic rubber by interconnecting with other cells. or rubber-like materials alone or in bination having spe- 3.2.6 rubber a material that is capable of recovering cific requirements for extreme temperature resistance 103 to 347°F (75 to175°C);but specific resistance to the action of from large deformations quickly and forcibly and can be or already is. modified to a state in which it is essentially petroleum-base oils is not required. insoluble (but can swell) in boiling solvent (such as benzene 4.3 Grades-Each type and class has been divided into a methyl ethyl ketone and ethanol-toluene azeotrope). numberofdiffent graes.Each grade isbasedna speifc Discussion-A rubber in its modified state free of range of firmness as expressed by pression-deflection (see diluents retracts within 1 min to less than 1.5 times its original Sections 18 to 22). Grades are designated by digit; the softer length after being stretched at room temperature 68 to 80.6°F grades being identified with the lowernumbers and the higher to twice its length and held for 1 min before release. grades being identified with the higher numbers. 3.2.7 skin n-the textured outer surface on the material 4.3.1 Grade 0For Types 1 and 2 cellular rubber a formed during manufacture by contact with molds cover plate pression-deflection range from 0 to 2 psi (0 to 13.8 kPa). air or other curing medium. 4.3.2 Grade /For Types 1and 2 cellular rubber a DiscussionNormally this skin is formed by con- pression-deflection range from 2 to 5 psi (13.8 to 34.5 tact with the mold or cover plates during manufacture. Molded kPa). sns e uo ugs e aaeu ensn sd (ods udo 4.3.3 Grude 2For Types 1 and 2 cellular rubber a except when cut to length from longer strips. Parts made by pression-deflection range from 5 to 9 psi (34.5 to 62.1 cutting from open-cell (sponge) sheets usually have skin on kPa). two faces and open cells at the cut edges. Closed-cell (ex- 4.3.4 Grade 3For Types 1 and 2 cellular rubber a panded) rubber sheets are frequently split from thicker pieces kPa) pression-deflection range from 9 to 13 psi (62.1 to 89.6 and consequently do not have the skin faces. On some products it is desirable to add a solid rubber skin coating. The use to 4.3.5 Grade 4For Types 1 and 2 cellular rubber a which the cellular rubber product is to be put determines the pression-deflection range from 13 to 17 psi (89.6 to 117.2 kPa). 4.3.6 Grade 5For Types 1 and 2 cellular ruber a *Availaele from American Natiomal Standands Instinute (ANSI) 25 W. 43rd St. pression-deflection range from 17 to 25 psi (117.2 to 172.4 4h Floor New York NY 10036 hmpc/ kPa). 2
-20 Note 2For conversion of types classes and grades to pevi versions of Specification D1056 see Appendix X1. 5.2 Expanded Rubber-Closed-cell rubber is made by in- corporating gas-forming ingredients in the rubber pound 5. Materials and Manufacture or by subjecting the pound to high-pressure gas such as 5.1 Sponge RubberSponge rubber is made by incorporat- nitrogen. Expanded rubber is manufactured in sheet strip ing into the pound a blowing agent such as sodium molded tube cord and profile shapes by molding or extruding. bicarbonate that gives off a gas which expands the mass during Unless otherwise specified the presence of skin on the top or the vulcanization process. Sponge rubber is manufactured in bottom surfaces of sheet and strip expanded rubber shall be sheet strip molded or special shapes. Unless otherwise optional. Extruded shapes have skin on all surfaces except cut specified sheet and strip sponge rubber shall have a natural ends. skin on both the top and bottom surfaces. Fabric surface impressions are ordinarily not objectionable. The coarseness of the impressions shall be agreed upon between the parties concemmed. TABLE 1 Physical Requirements of Cellular Rubbers Type 1 Open-CellSponge Basic Roguirements uuy%g Compression Detiectionater Oi-Aged 22 h at 158°F Compression Set.50% Defeclion max% Temperature Low Grade Number Delection (Lmits) psi (kPa) (70°C). Change in Volume 168 h at 158°F 22h302F inASTMOiNo.3(IRM 22 h at 158°F 22 h at 212F Flex 5 h at (70°℃) (150°℃) 903)(Lmits)% (70°C) (100°℃) (55°C) -67F 1A0 less than 2 (13.8) 20 Class A Non-OI-Resistant 1A1 2 to 5 (13.8 to 34.5) 20 1615 15 1A2 1A3 9013(2.108 5 to 9 (34.5 to 62.1) 20 20 1A4 " 15 ±20 .. 15 1A5 17 to 25 (117.2 to 172.4) ±20 15 Class B Olil-Resi tant. Low Mas Changg" 1B1 1B0 less than 2 (13.8) 20 EE -25 1o10 40 1B2 2 to 5 (13.8 to 34.5) 5 to 9 (34.5 to 62.1) ±20 20 1: 25 to 10 25 to 10 40 40 1B3 9 to 13 (62.1 to 89.6) x20 -25 to 10 40 .. 1B4 13 ho 17 (89.6 to 117.2) 20 -251o10 40 186 17 to 25 (117.2 to 172.4) 20 C. Oi-Res ant Medium Mass Change -25to10 40 100 1C1 2 to 5 (13.8 to 34.5) less than 2 (13.8) 20° 20 E 101060 101o60 50 50 102 103 9 to 13 (62.1 to 89.6) 5 to 9 (34.5 to 62.1) 20 ±20 101060 10 1060 50 13 to 17 (89.6 to 117.2) 10 to 60 50 1C4 ±20 .. 50 105 17 to 25 (117.2 to 172.4) 20 101060 50 100 less than 2 (13.8) Class D. Hgh-Temperature-Resistant 1D1 ±5 111 50 2 to 5 (13.8 to 34.5) ±5 - pass pass 1D2 1D3 9 to 13 (62.1 to 89.6) 5 to 9 (34.5 to 62.1) 5 ±5 - 30 pass 1D4 13 ho 17 (89.6 to 117.2) ±5 " 30 pass 17 to 25 (117.2 to 172.4) " pass ssqdn 1D5 ±5 00 pass p u pu g o uu m oi s o oei u pp s ol original is greater than ±20 %. TABLE 2 Physical Requirements of Cellular Rubbers Type 2 Closed-Cell Expanded Oven-Aged Change Besic Requiements trom Onginal WaterAbsortion max Fluid Immersion 7 Days at Compression Compression Deecin Vles Compresion Change in Weight % 73.4°F (23°C) max % Set 50% Constant Temperature Low Number Grade Deflection (Lmits) pei Deflection,25% 166h (Limits) % 22 h at Densty over Density of 10 Denstyover Densty of Deflection 22 hat 212"F Flex 5 h a (kPa) 158F 302°F b/t”(160 10 Ib/”(160 (100°C) max (55°C) 67°F (70°C) (150°C) kg/m²) kg/m) or less kg/m) kg/m²) or less % 2A0 less than 2 (13.8) 30 Class A Nonlel-esitant 2A1 2105(13.8 to 34.5) ±30 5 10 5 10 111 2A2 2A3 5 to 9 (34.5 to 62.1) 9 to 13 (62.1 to 89.6) 30 5 ±30 5 10 2A4 13o 17 (89.6 1o ±30 5 10 f17.2) 10 er
-20 2A5 17 to 25 (117.2 to 172.4) ±30 10 280 less than 2 (13.8) 30* Class B. Fuel-Resistant Low Mass Czange 281 2 to 5 (13.8 to 34.5) " 9 10 10 50 50 100 30 IE 5 100 1111 282 5 to 9 (34.5 to 62.1) 30 5 10 100 283 9 to 13 (62.1 to 89.6) 30 5 10 100 284 117.2) 13 to 17 (89.6 to 30 5 10 50 100 2B5 17 to 25 (117.2 to 172.4) ±30 5 10 50 100 2C0 less than 2 (13.8) 30* Class C Fuel-Resistant Medium Mass Char 5 10 2C1 30 6 150 150 250 2 1o 5 (13.8 to 34.5) 5 250 2C2 2C3 5 to 9 (34.5 to 62.1) 9 to 13 (62.1 to 89.6) ±30 30 5 5 10 150 150 250 E 250 1330 17 (89.610 30 150 250 2C4 117.2) 5 10 2C5 17 to 25 (117.2 to ±30 5 10 150 250 172.4) 200 less than 2 (13.8) 5 10100 istarm 8888 2D1 2 1o 5 (13.8 to 34.5) pess 202 5 to 9 (34.5 to 62.1) 5 10 p888 203 9 to 13 (62.1 to 89.6) 5 10 60 pass 204 131o 17(89.610 x5 5 10 60 pass pass 117.2) 206 171o 25 (117.2to 172.4) ±5 5 10 t 60 ps8 tis grade aer aging s lls wiine cmresiondefetiorquirt o2 p (13.8 Pa i shal be consided aeptabie en though he change rom the hec74gFunNfn original is groater than ±30 %. reasoniorolventerinffexile lsedclulamateralsuualyaseslsf gasbyisionthrug sofenedcllwalsthatresulsinsshnkae Sanddi because it produces a wider and more consistent differentiation among the A B and C classes than does the No. 3 oilL. inlormation should be obtained by testing in actual or simulated service conditions. with densies f 10tr lessthe vues ofmaximummss change allwe are 250% forClassCand 100% or Class B. The values of 150%maximumClassCand 50%maximuClassBapply to cellermaterials hangdensesofmore than10 Ib/ (160 kg)Forclllarmaterls Terinlogyaschnedin9mwetwmsschageberfedatabtain 6. Physical Properties Table 2. Any additional requirements desired by the end user 6.1 The various grades of cellular rubber shall conform to shall be indicated by adding suffix letters from Table 3 to the the basic requirements as to physical properties in Table 1 and grade designations as described in Section 4. TABLE 3 ASTM Test Methods NotE 1See Table I or Table 2 for established requirements for open or closed cell fomms respectively. No 2Test Mthds D412was intd for testing dne rr samles It requires a amle thickes f bween 0.060 and 0.120 in. (1.5 ad 3m)isfhiil with Specificatioe D1056 are allowed to be up to 0.250 in. (6.35 mm) thick and should be tested with or without skin as used in the application. difficult to measure gauge. There is also no mention of allowance for skin or no skin samples. For these reasons tensile samples tested in acordance Basic Requirements and Suffix Number Requinement or Suffx Letter Basic Requirements Suffx Number 1 Suffix Number 2 Suffx Number 3 Suffx Number 4 Compression deflection Specification D1056 Sec- Heat resistance SpeciicaionD1056.Sec tions 16 22 tions 15 22 change in pression deflection 15F(70C) affer aging 7 days af Fluid resistance (1B and 1C nutber only) Specificaion D1056 Se tions 23 34 22h Fluid resistance* (28 and 2C) Specification D1056 Sec- at 158°F (70°C) tons 2734 7 days at 73.4°F (23°C)
1056-20 TABLE 3 Continued Basic Requirements and Sufi Number Requirement or Sufix Basic Requirements Suffx Number 1 Suffi Number 2 qN x Suffix Number 4 Compression set (1A 1B and Letter Speiliaion D1056 Se 1C) tions 50 56 22 h at 158°F (70°C) 50 % deflection 30-min recov- Compresson set (1D and 2D Specification D1056 Seo ery at 73.4F (23°C) rubber only) 212°F (100°C). 50 % tions 50 56 22 h at deflection 30-min recov Water absorption (2A 28 2C Specificaion D1056 Sec ery at 73.4°F (23°C) (qz pue Optional Requirements tions 43 ~ 49 Suffx A heat resistance change in pression tons 15 22 change in pression tions 15 - 22. change in pression 5ons 15 22. change in pression tions 15 22. 22 h at 212F (100°C). deflection affer aging deffection ateraging 22 h at 257°F (125°C) (0.01)20022 deflection affer aging 22hat350°F(175°C) deflection afteraging Sutfix B pression set (B1 for Limits ±30 % Specificon D1056Se Specifiation D1056 SecSpecifcation D1056. Seo Limits ±30% Limits ±30 % Limits ±30 % 1A 1B and 1C only) (B2 & B3 tor2A 28 2C.20o) 158°F (70°C). 50 % tons 5068 22 h at tions 5068 22 h at 73.4°F (23°C).50% 5ons 50 -68 22 h af deflection 30-min necov- deflection 24-h recovery deflection 24-h recovery 73.4°F (23°C).50 % ery at 73.4°F (23°C) 25 % max at 73.4′F (23°C) 25 % max at 73.4°F (23°C) 35 % Suffix C zone or weather resis- Test Method D1171 Test Method D1171 mex ozone chamber Test Method D1171 tance exposure Method A: Exposure outdoor exposure ozone exposure (ozone Method A. Exposure Raing Method B: Qualty Reten- chamber or outdoor) Test Aor B) rating (Exposure Method tion Rating Suffix D load deflection Suffix F Lw-tmpetre rsi Suffix E fuid esistance SpeiconD1056SeSpecifcatinD1056SecSpeiiion D1056Se tance tons 57 -61 5 h f 40"F (40°C) tions 57 - 61 5 h at 67°F (55°C) tions 57 - 61 5 h af Suflx G tear resistance Test Method D624 Die C (0.-)00- Suffix K ahesi capaity Suffix Jbasionresisanoe Rubber pound must be suitable for and able to accept adhesive bond- Suffx L water aboption ing. Sufix M ustion characteristis Test Method D5132 4 in/ min max (100 mm/min Sutfix N mact resistance max) SufixP staning resistance Suffx R resilience Test Method D2632 Sutfx T TensleElongation Test Method D412xcept (Shore Rebound) specimen thickness see Suffix W density" Specification D1056 Seo- Note 2 Suffx Z. special reguirementy℃ tions 62 68 See Table 2 for materials having densilies of 10 Ib/ (160 kgm) or less. Raing tbeaango betnhpurchserand he supler dns puend pq snu po Spn tbaicani TABLE 4 Tolerances on Dimensions of Celular Rubber Products for General Applications Thickness Length and Widh Fom Dimension in (mm) Toleranoe a in. (mm) Dimension in. (mm) Tolerance s in. (mm) dius pue 9US 0.125 (3.2) and under Sponge Rutber Over 0.125 (3.2 to 0.50 (12.7) ind 0.032(0.) 0.016 (0.4) apun pue (2s1)9 Over 6 (152) to 18 (457) incl 0.063 (1.6) Over 12.7 (0.50) 0.047 (1.2) Over 18 (457) 0.125 (3.2) Molded or special shapes 0.250 (6.4) and under 0.032 (0.8) 0.250 (6.4) and under 0.032 (0.8) 0.5% Over 0.250 (6.4) to 3 (76.2) incl 0.063 (1.6) Over 0.250 (6.4) to 3 (76) ind 0.063 (1.6) 5
ASTM D1056-20 (ASTM)柔性细胞材料-海绵或膨胀Rubber',2.pdf