ANSI/AGMA2001-C95 (Revision ofANSI/AGMA 2001-B88) AMERICANNATIONALSTANDARD FundamentalRatingFactorsandCalculation MethodsforInvoluteSpurandHelical GearTeeth ANSI/AGMA2001-C95 AGMASTANDARD
60-0009 FundamentalRatingFactorsandCalculationMethodsforInvoluteSpur andHelicalGearTeeth ANSI/AGMA2001-C95 (RevisionofAGMA2001-B88) Approval of an American National Standard requires verification byANSI that the requirements for due process consensus and other criteria for approval have been met by the standards developer. agreement hasbeenreached by directlyandmaterially affected interests.Substantialagreementmeans objections be considered and that a concerted effort be made toward their resolution. precludeanyonewhethrhasapprovedthstandardrotrommanufacturingmarktingurchaing or using products processes or procedures not conforming to the standards. TheAmericanNationalStandardsInstitute doesnotdevelop standards and willinno circumstancesgivean issueaninterpretation ofanAmericanNationalStandard inthename of theAmericanNational Standards Institute.Requests for interpretation of this standard should be addressed to theAmerican Gear Manufacturers Association. CAUTIONNOTICE:AGMA standards are subject to constant improvement revision or withdrawal as dictated by experience.Any person who refers to anAGMATechnicalPublication should be sure that the publication is the latest available from the Association on the subject matter. ExtractedfromAGMAStandard2001-C95 FundamentalRatingFactors andCalculationMethodsfor InvoluteSpurandHelicalGearTeethwiththepermissionof thepublisher AmericanGearManufacturers Association 1500 King Street Suite 201 Alexandria Virginia 22314.] ApprovedJanuary12 1995 AmericanNationalStandardsInstitute Inc. Abstract Thisstandardspecifiesamethodforratingthepitingresistanceandbendingstrengthofspurandhelical involute gearpairs.A detailed discussionof factorsinfluencing gear survival and calculationmethodsare provided. CopyrightOctober1994byAmericanGearManufacturersAssociation Published by AmericanGearManufacturersAssociation 1500King Street Suite201 Alexandria Virginia 22314 ISBN:1-55589-647-2
-00209 Contents Page Foreword IA 1 Scope. 1.1 Ratingformulas 1.2 Exceptions 1.3 References 2 2 Definitions and symbols 2 2.1 Definitions 2 2.2 Symbols 2 3 Application. 5 3.1 Rating practices 5 3.2 Impliedaccuracy 5 3.3 Testing 5 3.4 Manufacturing quality 5 3.5 Lubrication 6 3.6 Temperatureextremes 7 3.7 Oscillatorymotion 3.8 Non-uniformloading.. 3.9 Other considerations 4 Criteriafortooth capacity 4.1 4.2 Pitting resistance.. 8 4.3 Surfaceconditionsnotcoveredbythisstandard 8 4.4 Bending strength 5 Fundamental rating formulas 6 5.1 Piting resistance 6 5.2 Bending strength 10 6 Geometryfactors IandJ 11 6.1 Pitingresistancegeometryfactor 11 6.2 Bending strengthgeometry factor J 11 6.3 Calculationmethod 12 7 Transmitted tangential load w 12 7.1 Uniform load 12 7.2 Non-uniform load 12 8 Dynamic factor K 12 8.1 Dynamicfactorconsiderations 12 8.2 Resonance 13 Approximate dynamicfactor K 14 8.4 Othervalues 15 8.5 Unity dynamicfactor 15 9 Overload factor K 15 10Servicefactor 15 11Safety factors S andSF 16 12 Elastic coefficient Cp 16 13 Surface condition factor Cy. 17
Contents(continued) 14Hardness ratio factor CH 17 14.1Throughhardenedgears 17 14.2Surface hardened/through hardened values 18 15Load distribution factor Km 18 15.1Valuesfor load distributionfactor Km 19 15.2 TransverseloaddistributionfactorCmt 20 15.3Faceloaddistributionfactor Cm 20 16Allowable stress numbers ac and Sa 23 16.1Guide for case depth of surface hardened gears.. 32 16.2Reverseloading... 34 16.3Momentary overload 34 16.4Yield strength 35 17 Stress cycle factors Z and Y 35 17.1Load cycles. 36 17.2Stress cyclefactors for steel gears... 36 17.3Localized yielding 36 18 Reliability factor KR... 88 19Temperature factor K.. 38 19.1Moderate and lowtemperature operation 38 19.2High temperature operation 38 20 Size factor Ks 38 20.1Sizefactor 38 20.2Valuesfor sizefactor 38 Tables 1 Symbolsused ingearrating equations 3 2 Empirical constants;A B andC 22 3 Allowablecontact stress number &ac for steel gears 23 4 Allowablebending stressnumberforsteelgears 24 5 Allowable contact stress number ac for iron and bronze gears...... 26 6 Allowablebending stressnumber Sa foriron and bronzegears.... 27 7 Majormetallurgicalfactorsaffecting theallowablecontactstressnumberacandallowable bending stress number Sar of throughhardened steel gears 27 8 Majormetallurgicalfactorsaffectingtheallowablecontactstressnumbercandallowable bending stress number ar of flame orinduction hardened steelgears 28 6 Majormetallurgicalfactorsaffectingtheallowablecontactstressnumberacandallowable bending stress number Sa of carburized and hardened steel gears......... 29 10Majormetallurgicalfactorsaffectingtheallowablecontactstressnumbercandallowable bending stress number a of nitrided steel gears 31 11Reliability factors KR.... 88 Figures 1 Dynamic factor K 14 2 Hardness ratio factor C (through hardened) 17 3 Hardnessratiofactor Ch(surface hardened pinions) 18 4 Instantaneous contact linesintheplaneof action 19 Pinion proportionfactor C 21 6Evaluation of Sand S1 22 V
AGMA2001-C9506875750003833031 Contents (concluded) Mesh alignment factor Cma.... 22 8A Allowablecontactstressnumberforthroughhardenedsteelgears 24 9Allowablebending stressnumberforthroughhardenedsteegearsr 25 10Allowable bending stressnumbers fornitrided throughhardened steel gears (i.e. AlSI4140 AISI 4340).ar ....... 25 11Allowablebending stress numbersfornitriding steel gears ar 26 12Minimumeffectivecasedepthforcarburizedgearsmin 32 13Core hardness coefficient U 14Minimumtotalcasedepthfornitridedgearsmin 34 35 16Allowableyidstrengthnumbeforsteelgearsy 36 17Pitting resistance stress cycle factor ZN 37 18Bending strength stress cycle factor YN 37 Annexes AMethod forevaluating theriskof scuffing and wear 39 B Rim thickness factor KB 55 C Application analysis 57 Discussionof the analyticalface or longitudinal load distributionfactor 60 E Gearmaterial fatigue life. 63 Contrllingsectionsizeconsiderationsforthroughhardenedgearing 68 GBibliography 70
ANSI AGMA 2001-C95渐开线齿轮和螺旋齿轮齿的基本评级因子和计算方法(英文版).pdf