GOST28908-91 D A R D BALLCOCKSANDDISKVALVES END-TO-END(FACE-TO-FACE)DIMENSIONS OfficialEdition EnglishVersionApproved byInterstandard Moscow STANDARDSPUBLISHINGHOUSE by IHS under No reproduction or nelworking permitted without license from IHS O%Aalt Not for Resale
TOCT 28908-91 Group T18 N T E R S 11 E S T N D R D BALLCOCKSANDDISKVALVES End-to-end (face-to-face) dimensions GOST 28908-91 ISC 23.060.20 OKP(All-UnionProduct Classification Code)370000 Date of Introduction 01.01.92 This Standard applies to sleeve nipple flange and welded ball cocks and also to welded and coupling flange diskvalves including shutoff and control onesand establishes end-to-end (face-to-face) dimensions(hereinafter referred to as dimensions)intended for new designing. This Standard does not apply to sanitary cocks and also to cocks and valves made from nonmetallic materials and to the lined ones. The requirements of this Standard are obligatory. 1. The dimensions shall correspond to those specified in the drawing and in Tables 1 to 5. Official Edition Reprintingis prohibited by IHS under No reproduction or nelworking permited without icense from IHS with GOST oi0/dvd_bulld O%Aalt Not for Resale
TOCT 28908-91 Table 1 Dimensions of sleeve and nipple ball cocks in mm Dimension of cocks L sleeve nipple Rated bore DN for rated pressure PN MPa (kgf/cm) up to 1.6 (16) up to 4.0 (40) 6.3-16.0 Series 1 Series 2 Series 1 Series 2 (63-160) 6 50 70 76 100 110 10 60 75 80 100 110 15 75 85 105 120 120 20 80 95 110 130 25 90 105 120 150 150 32 110 120 145 40 120 130 150 50 140 150 65 185 185 80 205 205 N ote Thedimensions of series and 2 shallbe chosen dpending on the body design. Table 2 Dimensions of flange ball cocks and ball cocks for welding inmm Dimension L for rated pressure PN MPa (kgf/cm) Rated bore 2.5-4.0 up to 1.6(16) 6.3-10.0 12.5-16.0 20.0-32.0 DN (25-40) (63-100) (125-160) (200-320) Series I* Series 2 Series 3 Series 1 Series 2 10 102 130 130 130 15 108 130 130 140 130 165 230 20 117 130 150 152 150 190 260 260 25 127 140 160 165 160 216 260 260 32 140 165 180 178 180 229 300 300 40 165 165 200 1900 200 241 300 300 50 178 203 230 216 230 292 350 350 65 190 222 290 241 290 330 400 08 203 241 310 283 310 356 450 100 229 305 350 305 350 432 520 125 254 356 400 18 400 508 600 150 267 394 480 0 480 559 700 419 200 292 457 600 502** 600 660 800 457 250 330 533 730 568** 730 787 006 502 00 356 610 850 648** 850 1050 350 381 686 980 762 980 889 400 406 762 1100 838 1100 991 450 432 864 1200 914 1200 1092 500 457 914 1250 166 1250 1194 600 805 1067 1450 1143 1450 1397 700 610 1650 1650 1549 800 660 1850 1850 1000 18 2250 2250 full-opening cocks DN> 40 mm with access into the body from above; full-opening cocks DN > 300 m. →For full-opening cocks. N o t e The dimensions of series 1 - 3 shall be chosen depending on the body design. 2 ded by IHS underlioer No reprodiction or neworking pemlted whout fcense rm HS Not for Resale
TOCT28908-91 Table3 Dimensions of shutoff and control flange diskvalves inmm Dimension L for rated pressure PN MPa (kgf/cm) Rated bore DN up to 1.6 (16) 8.0-10.0 2.5 (25) 4.0 (40) 6.3 (63) (80-100) Series 1 Series 2 40 106 140 140 - 50 108 150 150 65 112 170 170 - 80 114 180 180 100 127 190 190 125 140 200 200 150 140 210 210 230 230 230 200 152 230 230 240 240 240 250 165 250 250 290 300 300 270 270 310 330 330 350 190 290 290 400 216 310 310 350 350 390 450 222 330 330 500 229 350 350 390 430 600 267 390 390 430 470 700 292 430 430 800 470 470 500 550 006 330 510 510 1000 410 550 550 - 1200 470 630 630 1400 530 710 710 1600 600 790 790 1800 09 870 2000 760 950 950 N o t e . The dimensions of series I and 2 shall be chosen depending on the body design. Table 4 Dimensions of shutoff and control coupling disk valves inmm Dimension L for rated pressure PN MPa (kgf/cm²) Rated bore up to 1.6 (16) 8.0-10.0 16.0 DN 2.5 (25) 4.0 (40) 6.3 (63) Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 (80-100) (160) 40 33 1 33 - - - 50 43 43 50 60 70 80 - 65 46 46 08 46 49 64 55 60 70 80 100 52 56 64 60 60 80 85 85 125 56 64 70 150 56 70 76 65 65 90 100 115 200 60 71 89 70 80 100 125 125 250 68 76 114 80 90 125 125 150 300 78 83 114 100 100 125 150 175 350 78 92 127 - 400 102 102 140 100 125 150 175 450 114 114 152 ded by IHS underlioer se with GOST oil0iovd_buldi re O%Aalt No reprodicion or networking permtled wlhout iense from HS Not for Resale
TOCT 28908-91 Continuation of tab.4 in mm Dimension L for rated pressure PN MPa (kgf/cm²) Rated bore up to 1.6 (16) DN 8.0-10.0 16.0 2.5 (25) 4.0 (40) 6.3 (63) Series 1 Series 2 Series 3 (80-100) (091) 500 127 127 152 125 150 175 220 - 600 154 154 178 150 175 220 - 700 165 229 175 200 800 190 241 200 220 900 203 - 241 1000 216 300 - - - - 1200 254 - 350 - - 1400 1600 - - 440 1800 - 490 2000 540 N o t e The dimensions of series 1 - 3 shall be chosen depending on the body design Table5 Dimensions of shutoff and control disk valves in mm Dimension L for rated pressure PN MPa (kgf/cm²) Rated bore DN up to 2.5 (25) 4.0-6.3 (40-63) 8.0 (80) 10.0(100) 150 220 220 220 250 200 250 250 250 300 250 300 300 300 350 00 350 350 350 380 400 400 400 400 430 500 450 450 510 510 600 600 600 630 630 680 680 680 750 800 750 750 750 1000 800 800 800 1200 850 1400 1000 1600 1000 1800 1000 2000 1000 2200 1000 2400 1100 N o t e Standard dimensions for fittings of the same design shall be chosen from one series. 2. Maximum deviations of the dimensions shall correspond to those specified in Tables 6 and 7. Table6 in mm Maximum deviations for Maximum deviations for Dimension flange and coupling fittings for Dimension flange and fittings for fittings welding coupling fittings welding Up to 250 ±2 ±4 Over800 to1000 ±5 8年 Over 250 to 500 ±3 ±5 1000》1600 ±6 ±10 500>800 ±4 ±6 ±8 ± 12 ded by IHS underlio ense with GOST oi0/dvd_bulldi O%Aalt No reprodiction or netlworking pemlted wilhout icense from IHS Not for Resale
GOST 28908 2005球形卡和盘形阀.pdf