ASMEPCC-1-2022 (RevisionofASMEPCC-1-2019) PressureBoundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly AN AMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD E TheAmericanSocietyof Mechanical Engineers
(Revision ofASME PCC-1-2019) ASMEPCC-1-2022 Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange Joint Assembly ANAMERICAN NATIONAL STANDARD Mechanical Engineers TheAmericanSocietyof Two Park Avenue New York NY 10016 USA
Date of Issuance: September 30 2022 This Standlard will be revised when the Society approves the issuance of a new edition. ASME issues written replies to inquiries concerning interpretations of technical aspects of this Standard. Interpretations are published ontheCommiteeweb page andunder actions ofthe ASME PCC Committee may be published as Cases. Cases are published on the ASME website under the PCC Committee Page at go./PCCmittee as they are issued. Errata to codes and standards may be posted on the ASME website under the Committee Pages to provide corrections to incorrectlypublished items or tocorrect typographical or grammatical errorsin codes and standards. Such errata shallbe used on the date posted. Ae aqeee udoue s aa dosedu e puno aq ee d receive an e-mail notification when errata are posted to a particular code or standard. This option can be found on the appropriate Committee Page after selecting “Errata* in the *Publication Information" section. ASME is the registered trademark of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. This code rstandard was develope under proceduresaccreited asmeeting the criteria frAmericanNational Standards. Thestandards mittee that aproved the code or standard was balanced to ensure that individuals from petent and concerned interests had an opportunitytoparticipate.The proposed codeorstandardwasmade available forpublicreviewand ment which providedanopportunity e-e-qnd u pue sapuale uosenu eapee usnpu wouj ndul sqnd leuoppe jo ASME does notapprove *rate or *endorse any item construction proprietary device or activity ASME does not take any position with respect to the alidity of ay patent rights aertedin connection with anyitmsmentionedn this dcument and does nt unertake insure anyone utilizing astandard against liability frnfringement of anyaliableletters patent nroesASME aumeanysuchlilty. Usersof od orstandard areexrely advised that deteminatinf thealiityf ansuh patent rights an therisk ofifringement f such rights is entirely their own responsibility. Participation by federal agency representatives or persons afiliated with industry is not to be interpreted as government or industry endorsement of this code or standard. ASME accepts responsiblity for only those interpretations of this document issued in accordance with the estabished ASME procedures and policies which precludes the issuance of interpretations by individuals. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of the publisher. in an electronic retreval system or otherwise The American Society of Mechanical Engineers Two Park Avenue New York NY 10016-5990 Copyright @ 2022 by THE AMERICAN SOCIETY OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS All rights reserved Printed in U.S.A.
CONTENTS Foreword Committee Roster vi Correspondence With the PCC Committee - ix Summary of Changes xi 1 Scope 2 Introduction 3 Training and Qualification of Bolted Joint Assembly Personnel 2 4 Cleaning of Gasket Seating Surfaces of Flanges . 5 Examination of Flange and Fastener Contact Surfaces . 2 6 Alignment of Flange Joints 3 7 Installation of Gasket 3 8 Lubrication . 9 Installation of Bolts 10 Tightening Procedure 11 Optional Practices 5 12 Joint Pressure and Tightness Testing - - 13 Records . 14 Joint Disassembly 6 15 References . Mandatory Appendix Definitions 10 Nonmandatory Appendices A Training and Qualification of Bolted Joint Assembly Personnel 15 B Description of Common Terms . 24 C Remended Gasket Seating Surface Finish for Various Gasket Types 25 D Guidelines for Allowable Gasket Seating Surface Flatness and Defect Depth 26 E Flange Joint Alignment Guidelines . 31 F Joint-Tightening Practices and Patterns . . 34 G Single-Stud Replacement . . 48 H Bolt Root and Tensile Stress Areas . .. .. . 49 1 Interaction During Tightening 51 J Optional Practices for Flange Joint Assembly 52 K Nut Factor Calculation of Target Torque . 56 L ASME B16.5 Flange Bolting Information - 58 M Washer Usage Guidance and Purchase Specifications for Through- Hardened Washers . . . 59
N Definitions Commentary and Guidelines on the Reuse of Bolts 64 0 Assembly Bolt Stress Determination . 66 P Troubleshooting Flange Joint Leakage 82 Q Considerations for the Use of Powered Equipment . . 86 R Assembly Records Management . . 99 Figures 8-1 Examples of Lubrication Application . 5 D-2-1 Flange Circumferential Variation Tolerance T1 27 D-2-2 Flange Radial Variation Tolerance T2 28 D-3-1 Flange Surface Damage Assessment: Pits and Dents 29 D-3-2 Flange Surface Damage Assessment: Scratches and Gouges 29 D-4-1 RT] Gasket Seating Surface Assessment 30 E-2-1 Centerline High/Low 32 E-2-2 32 E-2-3 Parallelism . 32 E-2-4 Rotational Two-Hole . . 88 F- Pattern #1 (Star Pattern): 24-Bolt Basic Example . - 38 F- Pattern #1 (Star Pattern): 24-Bolt Modified Star Example . 39 F- Modified Star Patterm With Multiple Tools . . 40 F- Pattern #2 (Quadrant Pattern): 24-Bolt Examples - 41 F- Pattern #2 (Quadrant Pattern): 24-Bolt Accelerated Cross Example 44 F- Pattern #3 (Circular Pattern): 24-Bolt Example . . 45 F- Pattern #3 (Circular Pattern): 24-Bolt Step-by-Step Example 46 F- Pattern #3 (Simultaneous Multibolt Circular Pattern): 24-Bolt Step-by- Step Example (Two Tools) . .. 47 J-5-1 Example of Bolt Grouping for a 48-Bolt Flange 54 P-4.6.1-1 Tapered-Hub-Type Flange ....... 87 P-4.6.2-1 Slip-On-Type Flange . . 87 P-4.6.3-1 Lap Joint Flange . . 88 Q-4.5-1 24-Bolt 24-Tool Example . - 96 Q-4.5-2 24-Bolt 50% (12-Tool) Example . . R-2.2-1 Example Long Assembly Record 100 R-2.2-2 Example Short Assembly Record 101 R-2.2-3 Example Medium-Length Assembly Record . 102 R-2.2-4 Example Multipart Tear-Off Tag 103 Tables A-1.4-1 Training Matrix . 16 A-2.1-1 Training of Fundamentals Curriculum . . - - . 18 A-2.2-1 Piping Endorsement Curriculum . .- 20 A-2.3-1 Powered-Equipment Endorsement Curriculum . . - 21 A-2.4-1 Heat Exchanger Endorsement Curriculum . . . . 21 C-1 Remended Gasket Seating Surface Finish for Various Gasket Types 25 D-2-1M Flange Seating Face Flatness Tolerances (Metric) . 27 iv
ASME PCC-1–2022压力边界螺栓法兰接头组件指南(英文版).pdf