NFPA 20 Standard|2025 Standard forthe Installationof Stationary Pumps forFireProtection NFPA
IMPORTANTNOTICESANDDISCLAIMERSCONCERNINGNFPA°STANDARDS NFPAcodes standards remended pactices and guides (NFPA Standards) fwhich the docment contained herein is one are developed through a consensus standards development proces approved by the AmericanatnalStandardsstitutThs procesbingsogetherolnteeepreentigaried viwpoin and interests to achieve consensus on fire and other safety issues. While the NFPA administers the process and stablishes rules to promote fames in the development of consensus it does not independently test evaluate or verify the accuracy of any information or the soundness of any judgments contained in NFPA Standards. The NFPA disclamsliability for any pesonal injury property orother damages of anynature whatsoer whethe ecial niretconequental renatory drecy ridirecyreulting from th ulicati of or reliance onNFPA StanardsTheNFPA also makesno guaranty or warranty as to the accuracy or pleteness of any information published herein. In issuing and making NFPA Standards available the NFPA is not undertaking to render professional or other services for or on behalf of any person or entity. Nor is the NFPA undertaking to perform any duty owed by any person or entity to someone ese.Anyone uing this document should rely on his orher ownindependent judgment or as appropriate seek the advice of a petent professional in determining the exercise of reasonable care in any given circumstances. The NFPA hasno power nor doeitundertake to police o nforce lianceh thecontents fPA 2: StandardrdshPAlisteif str ds dgstnscmlia i this document.Any certification or other statementof pliance with the rerements of this document shall not be atributable to the NFPA and is solely the responsibility of the certifiefO maker of the statement. s!p Notfor NFPAFreeAccess. ALERT:THISSTANDARD HASBEEN MODIFIEDBYATIA ORERRATA NFPA codes standards remended practices and guides (NFPA Standards) may be superseded at any time by the issuance of a new edition be amended with the issuance of Tentative Interim Amendments (TIAs) or be corrected by Errata. This updating considers the then-current and available information on incidents materials technologies innowationsanmhodthatdelopwermeThrforeanpeosionmalonger represent the current NFPA Standard on the subjectmateNFPA encourages theuse of themost current edition of any NFPA Standard [as it may be amended by TIA(s) or Errata]. An official NFPA Standard at any point in time consists of the current edition of the document with any isued TIAs and Errata. Visit the *Codes & Standards* section at for more information. CopyrighFPAFxlsinFPAFrAssplfmtrtbonnrn
ADDITIONALIMPORTANTNOTICESANDDISCLAIMERSCONCERNINGNFPASTANDARDS Updating of NFPA Standards UsrsfPAcaadsmdd atinuidAddarth documents may be superseded at any time by the isuance of a new edition may be amended with the issuance of Tentative InterimAmensTAs)rbcoretd b EataIt istnded hatthougheglavisinsand m paripainFPA standadlment oider hhenrnanlalfninciden materials technologies innovations and methods as these develop over time and that NFPA Standards reflect this consideratinTereforanpreios itno this dmntnerts retPASandadn t sjtmttaedFPAcage tu of thmost ntif aNPAdad [aitmabad byTA(s)Erat] take atagefcrent perieeandetandingAnffciaFPA Stnda atany point time conssf thetdif th dt ling asn Eat hni To determine whether an NFPA Standard has been amended through the issuance of TIAs or corrected by Errata visit the “Codes & Standards* section at Interpretations of NFPA Standards A statement writn rral ht sot procesdnaccan withSectift egulatin Geing th Development of NFPA Suandards shall otbe considered the official position of NFPA or any of is Committees and shall not be considered to be nor be relied upon as a Formal Interpretation. Patents The NFPA does not take any position with respect to the validity of any patent rights referencedh related to or asserted in conmection with an NFPA Standard. The users of NFPA Standards bear the sole responsibiliryrdetermining the validity of any such patet righs aswell as the risk of infingmentf suchrighsand the NPA dins liabil for the infringemet of any patent resulting from the use of or reliance on NFPA Standards. NFPA adheres to the policy of the American National Standards Institute (ANSIpabgirding the inclusion of patents in American Natioal Stndards (the ANS Patent Poli) and hereby ges thefmg notice puuant to that poli NOTICE: Th sers attets clled t th piiity tht cmlia FPAtaadma reqe s of n ientionred b patnigPA tkeo sitas tthlidia atntig ras towhthuh patent rintitindntial patntls e BttPoliIinctiwihthANSIat Poliattldesfltatent illinsgranlethrigsnasala nondiscriminatory tems and condiions to applicansdesiring to tansuch a linscopies ofsuchfiled statements canb obtained on requst from NFPA For futher infomation contage NFPA at the adres ised blo. Law and Regulations Ustdll dAb piatian l applia n th nsmte da d . Copyrights Fre PAiei bthtlli practices ad methods. By making tdocuments aailable for use and adoption by public authorities and priate users th NFPA does not wave any righs i ight t these document. < Use ofNFPA Standard foplatory uoses should b aclishd through adoption by rferencThe t “adopyrecigfina ihinginlsdi changesredby tongrity btdsratlntaoingI astPA following the uses made of its documents adopting authorities are requested to notify the NFPA (Atention: Secretary Standards Concil) in writing of such use. For technical asistance and questions concerning adoption of NFPA Standards contact NFPA at the addres belon. For Further Information All questinsorthercmniatinselingoFPAStanad andllqus foifoti nFPA procs gwemingitsodendaadelnt pcedingiftnthprocefrqstingFol InterretatsforroosingirmesadfrosinsinstPAsnddrinl revisPdtrdil Baterymarch Park PO. Box 9101 Quincy MA 02269-9101; For more information about NFPA visit the NFPA website at . All NFPA codes and standards can be viewed at oupop/&aoredrmsn ge soo ou CopyrigPAFrxlunPAFcessplamtfbolnin For inquie cotat usternaogoeort unaurized use cntact ega@nar. 1-02 Copyright O 2024 National Fire Protection Asociation°. All Rights Resenved. NFPA° 20 Standard for the Installation of StationaryPumpsforFire Protection 2025 Ediion This edition of NFPA 20 Stard for th /nstlltin ef Statior Pp for Fie Pttion was prepared by the Technical Commitee on Fire Pumps and acted on by the NFPAmemberhip during Angust 9224 withant dfS1824 u all di This documnt has been amnded by oneor more Tentatie Inerim AmenmentsAs) and/or Errata. See °Codes & Standards* at for more information. This editn f NPA 20 wsarod asanAerian aal Sda Smbe 8 2024. Origin and Development of NFPA 20 1896 and contained paragraphs on steam and rotary fie pumps. The Committee on Fire Pumps was organized in 1899 with feembers from underwriter Laboratories of both the United States and Canada Insuruf Services Office Factory Mutual Industrial Risk Insure ational rade associtions staovements ngineering nanizations and private individuals. S. Earl fi m ulin stads n hrand started maalTdas fire ps hgreacrease inber and nappliomany are thjrlyatrpandlar stattcallEapmpally ook stinbromstndingrlingaluplibahmailtanam FirePumanroarypes sid taticeAsnda of the cenrifgal pmpred paoepu dds no noq ddspeq ao Latet veical shaf turbinee@s ee lowrednt wel rintwet pits suplied frm pos or other belowground sources of Wuter. Gaolingiris fistape in thistnad i191.Franar st relative unreliability andof supplementary use only first spark-ignited gasoline engines and then preingitiils hseadily dloedngiedrinpmps toalaeai electric-drien unitfortoal reliability. Fir pt lls fhig s ers i rangefmpttingthlndptHrlallylladdigdi and special fire protection systemshane changed concepes of water supply pletel. Since the formation of this ittee each edition of NFPA 20 has incorporated appropriate prosisions to couer new developments and has omitted obsolete prowisions. NFPA action on succeistollinge1909119139159181929 1929 1937 1999 195 1944 1951 1953 1955 1957 1974 1976 1978 1980 1983 1987 1990 1995 1996 1999 2005 and 2007. The 1990 edijon includd several amedents with regard to sme of the key ponens asociatdwithlcicrienfie upaddinns eemae tallt document to conform more closely to the NFPA Memual of Styls. The 1993 edition included significant revisions to Chapters 6 and 7 with regard to the arangeentf the poweruppto lecricdrienfirepmpshee clarificationswereintended prowide the necessary requirements to make the system as reliable as posible. NFPA li i M CopFlnAFcsti For inquires contact custser@npaorgToreprt unahorized use cntac ga@nfar. 20-2 INSTALLATION OF STATIONARY PUMPS FOR FIRE PROTECTION The 1996 edition continued the changes initiated in the 1993 ediion and Chapters 6 and 7 which areed clecric dres and controlles underwent significant revision ew infomation was alo adde regarding nginecooling proiions arthqttinandk hh hgisingem aam su add supasudeppy dud s p pu u s e amse updated. The 1999 edition of the standard included requirements for positive displacement pumps for both water mist and foam sstemsThdt i wasrevisd orlthschange ine 199 dii areedqirnts r um than centrifugal. Enforceable language vas added particularly regarding protection of equipment Reisinsfr the0diinludduang th dmtfowith th last dionf th M Sf NFPAiiDireddartffp ingrial preure-limiing control. Accetance tst critriawere added to the docet fr relacment f critical path pnents f a fire pump installation. Fot in qis fial rei qrm f w a ponent replacement testing tables were includled. The 201 dilwh fmfhgbdie f mn s were alo added to the general requirements chaptet. Chapter 1 of the standard was reorganized. Te 201di claried andewreqirme fwatrmi psitedilanpingis Cha the stnd wasreganized. Lmid ioll qremn wre reid ad th cmt rcmt tale removed. The2016diNA0dewqir fpmnsilttifnl ringa signals and mnicatins. FPA 20 regize he potntial e mltistage rt pump n fire spprein ms and proided requiremens secific to tht aliationBreak tank criteriawre reendare owin accrdane with NFPA SdWs frPriFPtAewanexnex C add toproideguidance n cotoll security herotrollscoetd thItmeterqirntswddedtadreefnautmaticfl maiteane sstem with a diesel fire ump nstallaion. In addition protio criteria forbh a dieel fire pump room and an electric fire pump room were defined in Chapter 4. The 2019 dif NPA 20 wasd rgichisiningm itind tn. distancmnioring amatdes and slglating aialeed fire pumitrvisins wre aded equr that a ing ntitysibleacptale fie pmpiacA dfiitinflt pwas aded o roide aettendertaing ofthaumilable flby conecting it oatin pre Requiremen ere added to clarilwhere manifolding ofpump test piping is pemitted as wellas were bining fre pum ttppin thliihepngispnwa ifetias prandeprande raplifthee tmthgtthThiing was efidnd qts taing tdinalingthfamtankll requirments anexatrialreaddedpaagdeigehougthatonfmasstitmh requirements for hydraulic cranking systems wekg revised to distinguish between systems used as primary cranking systems and those ud assenary cankingtmex Cws resed sigifcatly make dta fmatingmre ia. Th202dpddf ticin deichalsqff used The positie displacement up requirement were reorganized and enhanced with the inclsion of new perfomance reqirmhcmmipgniz th mro fl cnumtnf dl ngisanduadfl pply nk apacityqirmtOgelcrfcasatrqfalrilh cenrifal pmantinlisingeqintsiatllstoae tnkclaiinl fie prottinnsnsfing ndinstalltrutn ndeqmnts mhanical al n h maximum time allowed to achieve design pressure. The 205 edition includesreisins that have beenmade to stanadize the tm joe pump throuhout the standad to refer to presre maintenance pumps and makeup pumps. The arrangements for fire pump controllers and automatic transfer itchehave een clarifedtinclude apoer rasferitch withaoinationfire upcntrllrand power transfer itch. Te requirements fratomtic tsting and atomatic remote tsting he been refinedand xpanded fr electric drivenfire pmps orespodingreqirements fo atmatc testing and emote atomatic tesingreqiremenhe been prddfriel dre pmpAdiil conitnhaennlddfmniringmatc tstingAw requirmet hseade an pidsanalat f wrfrlricall rddil umrom copOthisihnddlifyhdinnilatelannli the sprinker potetion forfire pumps the isolation forrenant ariable speed pumps and the oerurrent protectin fr electric driven fire pumps. 2025 Edtion Copyrig FPAFrxluesenFPAFrcess plamNfirbonin in
NFPA 20-2025 固定式消防泵安装标准(英文213页不太清晰版).pdf